Peiratís; Pirates of the Sandy Sea

Lourne doesn’t give chase, and leans against the wall as he recovers from getting kicked in the face.

The first chain snapped as the Amino began to pull away, and fighters began firing at the others

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Jim swears and scurries toward a cannon, taking aim at one of the fighters and opening fire.

Barus held the gunshot wound on his arm as he rushed down the hall, feeling to see just how much blood he was losing from it.

Eolas sat in his room, thinking.
I won’t learn anything in here! If I wish to study these encounters, I should be up there watching it!
He stood up and unlocked his door, throwing it open and striding out with determination—determination which would blind him to whatever it was that barrels into him not a moment later.

Barus looks at the old man he just ran into. Do pirates take prisoners? He asks himself. Well, maybe I should? Take him as an offering to the pirates so they have a reason to let me join?
The old man starts to try to stand up, rubbing his head. Barus panics a bit. Ah! Think quick! He takes the weapon off of his back.

Eolas rubs his head as he stands. He opens his eyes to see a blade at his neck. This blade was attached to a pole which was held by what seemed to be a teenage boy wearing a helmet a size to big for him. He puts his hands up as the boy speaks.
“You’re coming with me.”

A fighter takes the hit, and is sent spiraling out, hitting the Marvara with an explosion, damaging the lower hull

“What in…”

Thallos stalked towards the front of the bridge, and jabbing a bony finger at the Seree, glanced at the captain. “Is that craft only visible from the bridge?”

“the Marvara currently has us harpooned and has our priority,” replied the captain

The Seree fired at the Amino, causing a rumble throughout the ship, though the smaller fighters kept most of it’s attention

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Thallos lowered his hand, but didn’t change his glare until the Seree had managed to shake the ship. He turned to face the combat once again.

“aim primary cannon 3 at the Seree” ordered the captain.

The gunners began changing it’s orientation.

The clouds above grew thicker as bright lightning bounced between them, and sunlight began to dim, the sands themselves began to stir moreso, twisting into the air above.

Barus stumbles from the blow to the ship, then leads Eolas to his vessel. “Careful now. We want you alive. I think.”

Several gaurds run into the hall, before aiming their weapons at the pair, "wait, he’s got one of our own, don’t shoot " ordered the leader, “now put him down and we won’t kill you, understand?” He asked, pulling out his saber and walking towards Barus

Barus pulled Eolas in front of him as a shield of sorts and put the blade of his weapon at Eolas’ throat. “One wrong move.” Barus says.

Eolas panics internally. The things I go through in pursuit of knowledge.

“pirate trash,” muttered the leader

Jim mutters a curse.

Yeah, that’s on me, he accepts. He looks around; should he continue firing harpoons, man the artillery cannons, or perhaps go up top and see what he can do there?

Barus gets on his ship with his captive. “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” He says smugly before starting up and taking off back into the sands, looking for a way onto one of the pirates’ ships.

The second chain snapped and the Amino had begun to pull away

There was an opening in the Marvara’s lower hull caused by the earlier crash

Several loud shots could be heard as the Amino’s third cannon fired at the Seree, knocking the main mast off entirely

Unsteady, Barus pilots in and almost crashes, before leading Eolas to where he assumed the bridge would be.

“Welp, harpoons it is,” Jim decides, hopping into the seat of a harpoon gun and firing a shot.

The gun ejected the broken chain, and needed to be reloaded.

The bridge was in the too deck, requiring Barus to go through the cannon deck to get there

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He heads into the cannon deck. “Uh, hello?” He says as he walks in. “Which way to the bridge? I’ve got a…present. For the captain.” He points to Eolas. Please please please let me join. He thinks.

Eolas looks at the group of dangerous criminals in front of him. Well, if I don’t die, this wil be a great way to learn about these people and their motives. Assuming I get out.