Peiratís; Pirates of the Sandy Sea

Not for the first time, Jim lets a hissed curse escape his lips as he runs to reload the gun.

He pauses however, as two folks he didn’t recognize enter the cannon deck. He turns to look at the new arrivals, and his right hand inches close to the holster of his revolver.

" 'Fore I give you any directions, I’ll need a name or two," he says, wanting to make this confrontation quick so that he could get back to manning the harpoons.

Barus points to himself. “Barus.” He points to Eolas. “Prisoner dude.”

“Eolas.” He corrects.

“Yeah, that. Anyways, I’m here because the imperial life kinda isn’t for me, ya dig? I thought you guy’d be a lot more fun to hang about with. So I brought this guy as a sort of gift to let me in?” He says.

In a split-second decision, Jim shrugs and turns back to reload the harpoon gun.

“Captain should be up top,” he says, giving directions to the fastest route from the cannon bay. He figured that the captain could defend himself if “Barus” and his supposed prisoner were up to anything.

…But I’ve just left them an opening to shoot me in the back… he realizes, too late. Of all the ways to die…

Barus shrugs an walks by towards the way he was directed. “Thank you!” He calls back.

Jim, relieved some at the prospect of living for perhaps just a little while longer, does not respond, busy as he was with operating the harpoon gun. He fires upon the Amino (@Ace).

The shot lands, however the newfound distance prevents it from locking in

Barus would approach where he’d been told the captain was and poke his head in. “Hello?”

The Captain, more concerned with the current battle doesn’t even turn to look, “what are you doing away from your post? Man a cannon for the gods’ sake.”

“Um, I have a prisoner here.” He says. “And I’m…new. Like just got here new. Figured you’d like to see who’s on your crew. And I’d like to know where to put the prisoner.”

“Hi.” Eolas says, not really knowing what else to do.

Jim swears yet again. Another blunder to which he partly bore the blame. He scrambles over to an artillery cannon.

He sighs, “wait in my room, it’s one floor down.”

Barus nods and heads there, Eolas in tow.

The captain looks to the storm, before turning to the Seree after hearing an explosion, watching it sink he began to panic, “Jon, get us out of here!”(@MaxinePrimal)

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“Aye captain!”
John shouted as he turned the ship around.

As the Marvara pulled away lightning struck, barely missing the port side, and liquifying the sand bellow.

“Cannons one and three, sink the Seree!” Ordered the Amino’s Captain, “two and four keep the Marvara from providing aid,” he then adds

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“Captain,” Thallos said as the lightning shot past the Marvara. “It’s going to look bad on your report if you lose your craft to the storm.”

Then again, He thought. If that happened, we’d all probably die in the resulting carnage, so there wouldn’t be a report-

The captain made the wise choice of prioritizing the situation above retorting to Thallos. As the guns swiveled to face the Seree, Thallos couldn’t help but grin. Your report is improving, captain.

The cannons fire upon the Seree

Barus sat in the room he was instructed into, near the door out, making sure his captive couldn’t escape.

Eolas had been allowed to roam the room, taking the time to learn more about the structure of the boat and the interests of the captain, at least what could be determined from the content of the room.

There was an unrecognizable map on the wall, undoubtedly ancient with twin sabers, one per side. While there was a miniature ship on the desk


Eolas studies the map. While he might not recognize the map as a whole, he looked to see if any of the edges looked like the edge of another continent or map he’d seen, trying to place where it’d be compared to the rest of the world.