Rate the avatar of the user above you

Lilac Hair/10

Big Gun/10

A robot type thing 10/

Mom’s car vroom vroom/10


Hose got a jacket

Over the top picture of a so so mask. 4/10

Deadpool Pikachu? 10/

Never liked the look of technic cars tbh

Humpty dumpty sat on a meme/10


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Tony Claus sending presents to the bad guys.

Those presents happen to be pain./10

Super fighting robot. Runa man!/10

Wait… Did I already do that one?

No, I don’t believe so though it’d work better if I was X or Megaman instead of Zero

60% Pink hair, 40% mouth, 100% Pure Enthusiasm/10

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Robot with skull basher mask \8

That mask doesn’t deserve such a over the top picture. 6/10

That flag that doesn’t deserve a hat /5

I’ve gotten you too much. You already know my opinion lol

Poor career choice/10

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She-ra is better/10

A weird meme that doesn’t work as a avatar 4/10