Remnants of Zeon RP Topic

“Ah, see you finally drug your *ss out here. you got any feddie support units lying in wait behind the trees?”

Sammy scans through the trees, trying to spot any feddie suits


“Nope, its just you and me.”

Seeing that the hangar was close to empty after most of the base was cleared out. I went to my GM. Nobody was on his MS at the moment nor was anybody watching over it. I checked if the armament was ready in case i had to fight my way out and the weapons were equipped. So i got onto the GM sniper and as I was about to pass through the gates a guard asked for an ID. So I showed him my original ID. He gasped and I knew that Spacey really exposed me for sure and so i smashed the gatekeeper’s tower and I broke out into a run for the location of my Zeonic MS sniper. Once i got to my Sniper rifle I opened a channel with all hailing MS of Zeonic origin and I blared “SAM!!! Most of the MS from the Feddie base are out for you and soon me too! I will fill you in with the info but for now I need you to be ready for multiple MS to gang up on you!”. And I ran to a location that would be beneficial for my sniping.

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“Can’t be too sure.”

Sammy detonates a series of bombs around the area he and Haydn are in, in order to weed out any support units

“Making sure it was fair. Shall we?”

Sammy raises his beam saber a la Gyan.

OOC- that series of bombs covered an entire circle, not just a semicircle.


OOC: bruh, everyone knows youre a spy


OOC: Bruh you didn’t specify nor did you say anything after i talked about the letter so i can say what i want m8

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OOC: there was an order directly from command to arrest you

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OOC: Fine i’ll edit that post

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3 GMs explode in the distance
“I’m gonna say right now that them following me was not my idea.”
Spacey ignites a beam saber and readies his shields. He holds a shotgun in his free hand.


Sammy lunges towards Spacey’s GM, prepared to slice diagonally.


Spacey jumps over the charging suit and fires from above with his shotgun before he lands. He fires a shot at the unprotected backside of his enemy

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When I got to my Zeonic sniper rifle I hear 3 explosions and I instantly knew what Sam’s plan was but as a precaution i turned on the infrared camera and looked at the battle. There were obviously about 5 MS gone but at least 2 of them were still left. So I exclaimed to Sam “Ayy, Samuel Jackson, I see that there are plenty more enemies out there so tell that Teddie that if their MS don’t back off that a sniper will pick them off.”

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OOC: But there were only 3 and all 3 blew up

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OOC: I thought you brought at least 5 and i mistyped my bad

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OOC: nop
also, I didn’t bring them, they followed me

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OOC: But you said that you wanted a team with you as the Zeeks have gone too far. Plus they didn’t just follow you. you brought volunteers.

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OOC: The zeeks don’t know they didnt follow me

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One of the shots hits a fuel tank, causing an explosion that propels me forward

“Ain’t half bad…”

Sammy launches his arm, which starts to towards Spacey, beam saber in hand. Sammy equips his beam riffle and lays down some covering fire for his arm.


OOC: But a spy would ie: me

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OOC: Not if youve been out of the loop for several days

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