RWBY: The Rift (Topic)

“If you win I owe you a flavor, any favor you want, if I win you owe me a favor of my choosing.” Paul explains,

OOC I haven’t touched Alexis and Arkane.

IC Alexis snuggles up to him and whispers in his ear “I love you.”

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Heather:" That sounds like a good bet."

Arkane whispers back," I love you too."

“Yeah, now lets go see who wins.” Paul says excitedly as he gives a wave to Beth,

She smiles and looks at his eyes “You look amazing right now.”

Yalani was fighting another Skinwalker who took the form of a lion hawk hybrid. It was a lion version of a beowulf with a lion’s skull and feathers along its arms. Its wing bones protruded from its arms like spikes.

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OOC Nice new avatar dude.

And more nightmare fuel.

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The lion-hawk, which Yalani named a “Toho Skinwalker”, roars and tries to stab Yalani twice in the chest. Yalani’s armor persists, but one of the attacks goes through. Yalani retaliates by grabbing one of the Toho’s arms, but the Toho throws him aside. It roars and flies upwards before hurling a barrage of feather spears at Yalani. He is able to block some of them, but they tear him up, his Aura almost gone. Reluctant to use his semblance, he throws his axe and it hits the Toho. He pulls and the axe fires and pulls the Toho into the ground, breaking one of its arms. Yalani pulls again, slicing the Toho and catches his axe before jumping for a finishing blow. The Toho tries to lunge and bite him, but the axe is lodged through its teeth and into the ceiling of its mouth, killing it. Yalani, catching his breath, sheathes his axe and rests to regenerate his Aura. In a few seconds, it was back to normal, and Yalani continued his patrol.

OOC Um. Wow. Quick heals by non existent pocket Mercy

I have been watching over watch recently. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

How old is Yalani?

OOC: I assume Aura’s like a shield in Halo or Destiny, and also something similar to chi. After a moment’s rest without taking damage and concentration, it regenerates back to full. Also, Yalani’s around nineteen.

OOC Remember when Ideruba was 17?

Eh. I wish they talked more about Aura in show.

OOC: I mean, I think World of Remnant counts and Phyrra pretty much explains the gist of it in the first season.

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OOC: Yeah i think your right, if not within a few minutes probably around 15 minutes to completely recharge at the most

OOC: That seems a bit long, honestly.

OOC Wait… Think of this scenario.

Aura gets down to zero.
Friend comes over and covers you.
You recharge.
Good strats guys.

OOC: That seems to be the case with some of the fights. Qrow and Ruby vs. Tyrian comes to mind.

OOC /■□■/ How would we know?
My best attempt at making shrug

OOC: We don’t, but it doesn’t hurt to use what the show gives us to try and come up with something close.

IC: Yalani looks at the mountains and sees a faint light blink. He tilts his head, curious, but decides not to investigate. I still need to find Alice. I haven’t seen or heard from her in a while. He walks back to his tent.

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Heather:" Yeah."

Arkane blushes," And you always do."

OOC: sry guys was watching a movie with family

“Ready to lose?” Paul teases.