Something Spooky (RP Topic)

“We’ve all been there, well most of us anyways.” he replies.

“How about we save the philosophical existential crisis till after we get out of the maze?”

IC: “I second that wholeheartedly,” deadpans Carter, making to walk forward. “We can all have psychological breakdowns AFTER we leave and report this to the authorities, and register a very displeased set of complaints to the managers offices of whoever is in charge of this…operation.”

He looks out for any sign of the once-familiar path.

“Kara’s going to kill me,” she mutters, following Carter.

“Finally going somewhere.” James mutters, following the two of them.

Simon follows them without saying anything, but he keeps a careful eye out all around them.

Lucas follows.

As the group travels, they find the maze filled with more turns and branching paths than they remember encountering on the way in.

“This isn’t right,” Lauren repeats.

“Oh great! Now the maze has gone completely wacko!”

IC: David breathes lightly, staring blankly out at the stalks of corn and the maze walls.
His hands tremble slightly.

“…Lauren, is there a…is there a trailer or some structure within the maze bounds?”

“It’s a corn field. There’s nothing out here but corn.”

“Well isn’t this just great! By this point we might as well split up, at least we’ll die quicker!”

Ideruba “That’s not the point but okay.”

“We should really stay together,” Lauren agrees.

“You do know I’m kidding right!?”

“So, this is definitely weird. I vote we just forget the path and walk straight through the corn.”

The child looked…scared when he said that and shook his head no “don’t” he half spoke, it clearly hurt him to talk

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Lily “I vote listening to the traumitized child.”

“It does seem like he’s been here a while, and I think he might’ve been trying to warn us about… this.”

“Alright. Does he have any other helpful advice? We can’t just wander around in the creepy corn labyrinth forever.”