Spacial Reality: Secrets of the Universe

“I don’t know, what do you wanna do?”

Hanzo signals Genni to start running just as Kar-Em walks into the room

Marka finds a door and knocks. Before a Fallen can get to the controls, the locking mechanism has a red plasma blade go through it then the hinges are cut, the sudden explosive decompression in the door, causing the unfortunate Fallen that were in it to get launched right into a little slicing and dicing courtesy of Marka and Sar. (@Runa)

Hanzo and Genni see this happen and bust down the door.
“MARKA!” He quickly gives him a handshake.

Sar waves, his wings retract into his back. “Hello!”

Both Bailey’s decided to follow the plot and teleport to where marka, Hanzo, and sar are.

“Hanzo!” Bailey waves, grinning ear to ear

G!Bailey merely nodded “hi.”

“Glad to see you both are well but we need to GTKO this place while we can!” Marka growls as he throws his saber to cut down more Fallen as he begins to retreat.

Hanzo nods and books it to Markas ship. Along with Genni, who dropped the rifle and ran.

Celica was somewhere

Both run with them, shooting fallen on the way

Cass stayed near celica

Trey return to his shuttle, and tossed a dart onto a picture of Marka on a dart board.

As Zablex and the others did as they did Epitome continued to stand there before making a sound of mild triumph, a silver needle, similar to the ones he had been throwing at Zablex, ejecting itself from his arm before he grabbed it, lining it up with a vein on his left as he prepared to inject it.

OOC: Hang on a second! Did Kai have Omniscience in him and was part of Project Epitome when he encountered the others in the previous incarnation of this universe? Because if that isn’t the case, I have plans for that scenario. (Grins with great mischief and evil [the crazy kind])

OOC: Yep, he just didn’t spend enough time around for the others to find out and I figured now would be a good idea to throw the idea in… also, uh-oh this sounds like its going to be… fun… muahahahaha!

OOC: Blast! Wait…was Kai always, as in from literal day 1 of his life, part of Project Epitome? (Crosses fingers)

OOC: pretty much, any other life I may or may not have planned for him is basically irrelevant in the terms of, he’d never have any way to remember it and 2 it’d basically be about maybe the 1st-3rd years of his life but either that or yours’ll work (Ima choose yours if its necessary for your plan just cause I want to see it and it sounds fun!)

OOC: here goes…

IC: There is a sudden presence that stops both Nobody and Epitome in their tracks. A voice is heard, whispering in an unknown language from upon the wind. Zablex seems to shudder, then he throws his head back in laughter. “You are a fool, Epitome!” He bellows, speaking as he laughs. He turns towards the man. “You have spent your whole known life thinking you were the true owner of that body.” He opens his eyes to reveal a piercing, glowing gaze that penetrates to Epitome’s very Heart and Spirit. “I see so clearly now; your life has been entangled in a web of lies and false memories. Such a fragile things, it only takes a little pressure to make them break and I found it; Kai is the original true owner of that body but it was stolen from him at a young age; when he was but a child. Stolen, by you.”. He points at Epitome. He begins pacing him, like a wolf seeking a point to strike at. “When Kai met the others in the previous universe, he had wrested temporary control over his body and that must’ve been quite a shock. I saw in your eyes a weary and mournful look, almost like a child looking through the bars of his prison window as he longs for the freedom he had tasted so long ago. Deny it all you wish, it will not change the truth: You are a thief, Epitome. A thief that wants to keep his own grip on the controls of a body that belongs to someone else and that grip is slowly weakening as not only Kai but Enderlord fight to take back what rightfully belongs to them and to do the right thing and protect the one living soul in his lifetime that he can call friend.”. Zablex’s voice was ghostly, echoing and calm. It was as though many individuals were speaking through him simultaneously with him. Zablex asks Omniscience to be brave like he was before Epitome, for Kai, Ender and all innocent life forms through out the multiverse that were in danger so long as Epitome was in the equation. Zablex keeps talking, his words are like his gaze and it also was seeking out Kai and Ender to give them strength to banish this invader that robbed them of so much and take back their life and freedom for good.

OOC: the idea is to take down the web of lies that Epitome has woven to maintain control and to help Kai and Ender do what is needed to protect eachother. Effectively Zablex is calling and, I truely hope, revealing Epitome’s bluff. He is hitting precise points to take down a massive wall; an Achilles Heel, if you would. Oh, the nanites aren’t gonna be all too well later.

OOC: Oh-ho-ho this sounds fun and I can say that you are quite close, Epitome is in truth an… offshoot of Kai, that’s why he can claim and make the others believe, that he is the original because he himself believes it and its at least… partially true he’s basically the fractured part the training and his own failures formed.

IC: “W-what are you talking about!?” Epitome hissed in a surprised tone, fumbling with the needle, before quickly recovering staring angrily at Zablex as he gripped the needle in his fist.
“I AM THE TRUE OWNER! I HAVE BEEN HERE SINCE OUR MEMORIES STARTED! KAI IS THE FAKE!” He yelled, shaking in fury as he grit his teeth. “WE HAD A DEAL! A DEAL!” He continued to yell, Omniscience also sputtering in a similar manner, stunned by Zablex’s conclusion and at that the idea that he may have also been tricked for so long.

OOC: Also by doing this you may or may not have opened a very… intriguing path of mine…

OOC: Sorry but I can’t help it; it must be done!

IC: “Epitome, OPEN YOUR MIND!” Zablex yells out, a massive wave of magic rushes through Epitome, revealing the truth: he was not the original, Kai is and he was (what you said earlier).

OOC: I had to do it. GTG.

IC: “N-no, NO! NO!” He screamed, his eyes flickering as he screamed, power erupting from him in waves, grabbing his head as he roared in pain, nearly dropping the needle. “YOU LIE! YOU LIE! YOU JUST WANT TO TAKE HIM FROM ME! YO SEAL ME AWAY AGAIN! TO TORTURE US! TO MAKE MORE OF US! TO HURT US! YOU… You want to take Massacre from me…” He uttered in a shocked, quiet and yet even more menacing tone than before, his voice glitching and distorting. "YOU’LL NEVER TAKE HIM FROM ME AGAIN!"