Spider-Man: Homecoming

As far as I can see, it is the same suit, maybe with some very, very minor modifications in some of the shaping of the lines on the legs.

The fact that this seems to be Spidey stopping a normal incident with this truck (possibly going out of control and him stopping it like we’ve seen in Civil War when Stark shows videos of his actions) leads me to believe this is near the beginning of the film.

Also, he has his school backpack on, so I’m assuming this is a scene meant to tie together this balance that he has to deal with both school and his super heroics, which I can see being near the beginning.

My point is, this is probably the same suit seen in Civil War, and the newer suit will probably come later when Stark makes his appearance and the big baddie starts to become a greater threat.


I agree, the article with the pics said something about these shots being part of a scene where Peter and his classmates go on some sort of field trip to Washington DC (explaining the backpack), where this incident on the truck presumably occurs (the truck has a DC license plate, according to the article).

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Isn’t that second picture with him holding the mask basically one of the posters for one of the Amazing Spider-Man movies? :joy:

Uh… maybe(?)

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Close. I feel like there was one that was basically that pose though. I looked but couldn’t find it.

Oh, and why did TASM1 posters say “The Untold Story”? Didn’t we get that story both in the comics and the original Spider-Man movie? :joy:


…yeah. I just noticed that too. As someone who’s gonna be studying marketing/poster design next year, I’m really curious about how such odd taglines make it into promotional campaigns.

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He has a backpack on! He has a backpack on!

Sorry guys. Just went a little crazy there. My first spider man figure ever had a web backpack that he wore as he slid down a zip line. I’ve been scouring the Internet to find a new one ever since I broke it several years ago, and the only ones I can find are really expensive on Amazon.


Because the marketing campaign for that series was centered around the “Untold Story” of what happened with Peter’s parents, who they were, what they were doing, and how it all ties into Peter becoming Spider-Man.

Thing is, the movies failed to deliver and ended up only hinting at said story in the beginning of TASM1 and only giving us a little insight in TASM2.

On the subject of the pose, I think it is vaguely similar to the scene at the end of TASM1 where…I’m not going to spoiler tag this, people should have seen this movie by now…

When Peter stands over Captain Stacy’s body after the Lizard attack. But that’s about it. It’s just as similar to any other pose Spider-Man has ever been in standing from the side.


#Vulture confirmed!


Now that is a glider.

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Those wings are wonderfully realistic. I LOVE the actual turbine- propeller things in them, and the overall wingspan is wondrous. This makes me even more excited to see the Tinkerer’s shop.


Not sure if you have heard yet, but apparently the villains for Spider-man; Homecoming are going to also include Shocker

That brings the total up to three villains;

  • Tinkerer
  • Vulture
  • Shocker

Welp, looks like it’ll be Spider-Man 3/ The Amazing Spider-Man 2 all over again. All hope is lost! /s


I get the feeling that Tinkerer will be sort of like Mendel Stromm in Spider-man 1, in that he kind of helps Vulture to gain his suit but then either is not seen later in the movie or is killed by Vulture.

Shocker I’m expecting is just there as a villain for Spider-man to fight and defeat as part of a ‘criminal defeating’ montage at the start of the film.


Basically the same thoughts I have.

I don’t think Marvel is seriously dumb enough to let another Spider-Man 3 ruin the character.


This–plus, I don’t think Marvel is as stupid as some people think they are. I mean, three villains and people freak out? I see your Homecoming and raise you a Civil War.

Really, multiple villains in one Marvel movie is almost commonplace now…it’s the other studios producing superhero movies that can’t figure it out…


I think they’ll have Shocker be a kind of Rhino from the TASM2, where they just have him suddenly appear and then Spidey takes him down. Who knows, maybe Shocker is responsible for the truck incident in D.C. from the pictures we’ve seen?

I think Tinkerer may build the actual Vulture suit, and then Toomes takes it. Perphaps they’re working together, or maybe Toomes steals it?

I hope The Vulture has a good motivation. I’m ecstatic to see him as a main baddie, but I can’t quite figure how he could come to be in that position.


I just want the Peter Parker/Spider-Man stuff to mesh perfectly. IMO the other Spidey movies have too much Peter and not enough Spidey coughRaimi cough.

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New News (:stuck_out_tongue: lol): Actor Micheal Chernus (Men in Black 3, The Bourne Legacy) has been cast as… The Tinkerer

Guess this is confirmation of that rumor (unsurprising, given that it coincided with the Vulture rumor).