Star Wars: Survival Over Illum (signups and discussion)

This is the discussion page. Signups are closed so that can be the only purpose

Hang on, is the Crystal cave proper open or is it still covered by ice?

So for this game, NOT IN CANON, it closes while they’re inside and can be opened with only the force.

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wait, some aren’t actually timed when we go in?

Again NOT CANON but when the sun sets they’re trapped until morning in below freezing temperatures and for all intents and purposes would die




Vladin, would you mind if I spoiled an entire episode’s events to help you get up to speed on what happens in The Gathering?

fun fact: the episode’s title literally is The Gathering.

Umm, @Ghid, not to sound like I’m complaining or griping but, do you think giving Zync and his boys Cortosis swords is a bit overpowered? Their armor is Lightsaber resistant and they have electro-staves, isn’t that enough?

Cortosis swords can short out a lightsaber and disable it permanently in some cases. I’m just worried that there isn’t much to balance that out.

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Yes, I totally agree. It’s why Zync is the only one with lightsaber-resistant armour and a Cortosis sword.

No, tho I will most likely start watching CW after BW.

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I thought his signup said that in his four-man team there were two people with Cortosis swords (himself and another guy) and the other two have electro-staves.

Also, I find it very odd that a Clone Trooper was specially trained to hunt down and kill Jedi. I know that Order 66 had a cover story (that it was meant for if a Jedi went rouge) but that still seems a bit suspicious that a clone was trained to specialize in hunting down and killing Jedi.

I’d like to note the standard Clone Trooper equipment includes grenades, none of which Zync possesses, and even if he were included as one of the four listed, they possess “standard Clone Trooper equipment” which means no Beskar plating.[quote=“BlackBeltGamer98, post:171, topic:49414”]
Also, I find it very odd that a Clone Trooper was specially trained to hunt down and kill Jedi. I know that Order 66 had a cover story (that it was meant for if a Jedi went rouge) but that still seems a bit suspicious that a clone was trained to specialize in hunting down and killing Jedi.

There’s two reasons for this.

One, it gives a reason as to why Clone Commander Zync was never heard of before in Canon. Secondly, it would make sense as to why he’s on-board a vessel with a notable amount of younglings on-board.

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The thing is, the Jedi knew about order 66, though only thought it was in the sense that it was a more case by case scenario. So having a team trained to carry out such an action makes sense

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And what better way to mask Order 66 even more than to have a specialized team? Thus Order 66 would only logically be given to them, and only to hunt down rogues like Tyranus, or so the Jedi would be given to think. Another suspicious ingredient to the mix, but not obviously the poison.

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That doesn’t exactly fill me with assurance.

I mean no offense by this but potentially three Cortosis blades and two staves in that single group has made me a bit more worried.

Okay, Holi, I will admit that you make a fair point but some of this still doesn’t sit right with me.

I’ll try my best to not dwell on it but I would like to say for the record that I have doubts of several frightened Younglings being able to evade Zync for very long, much less defeat him in battle.

The Jedi’s hubris is what ultimately did them in.

Well, that’s kind of the point. If this was supposed to be a pushover I would have sent bridge staff instead.

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This does raise one question, why is the elite team made for hunting Jedi hunting a seemingly inconsequential group of younglings stuck on an ice planer without many resources


@ghid I said no corotosis, it doesn’t just counter and compete with sabers but it has some advantage over them. I said vibroblades.

@holi gameplay and character development purposes lol

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You know, that is an interesting question: why not just maroon the kids?

I think this is a point where we have to suspend our disbelief; if the clones just led the younglings there, there wouldn’t be much of a way off without some kind of Deus ex Machina.

The plan is to contact a survivor for help and the clones know there are survivors they could contact

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Hang on, how many of us even have comlinks? If I recall correctly, Chimm’s the only one who has one of those.