Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) Discussion Topic

Wait there was a Season 7?

I thought it ended after season 5 or 6?

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It ended after an abbreviated season 6. However, they had season 7 (and maybe even 8?) planned.

As an aside, what did everyone think about how they dealt with Ventress in the later seasons? They seemed to be trying to make her into a sympathetic character, but after all the evil things we’ve seen her do, it just didn’t work for me. Explaining why she is the way she is would’ve been fine, but I think they went too far by trying to make her sympathetic.


I actually thought she was fine and I liked her character after that


I don’t think they made her a sympathetic character. More like a character who was forced onto a new path and grew immensely as a result.


Yoda’s arc, it was just amazing, Ahsoka’s was pretty cool to. #REBELSHYPE


Turned pretty dark towards the end of the last season , but overall enjoyed the clone wars

It turned pretty dark throughout all the seasons. :stuck_out_tongue: What “last season” are you talking about?

Season 6 I think , the one with the qui gon Jin ghost haha

Ah. I suppose the Yoda arc on Moribund could be considered “dark”. But the Nighsisters arcs, Umbara arc and Maul/Mando arcs from seasons 3/4, 4 and 5 respectively were darker IMO.


What I tended to notice was that the premier arc of each season was good, the rest of the first half was a mixed bag, but the second half of the season always had the best arcs.

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Oh man, I forgot all about this. >.< Sorry, guys. Anyway, I agree she wound up being sympathetic because she did grow a conscience, but before that happened it rubbed me the wrong way. Seemed almost as though they were trying to excuse her actions rather than just explain them. Idk, maybe it’s just me. :stuck_out_tongue:


I didn’t really see it that way. I do think this is partially explored in Dark Disciple with how the Jedi Council treats Ventress though.

Ever tried reading the novelization? And what about Christophsis?

First of all, which CW show? 03 2D or 08 3D?

Which episodes did you skip? :stuck_out_tongue:


I heard somewhere that the series finale, The Kashyyyk arc with Yoda might be made in some form. (hopefully a comic series or a preliminary animated episode)

By the way did anyone here play Clone Wars Adventures?


Yeah, there’s rumours circulating. We might even see the another Ahsoka arc.

No, but Boomer looked pretty darn cool.


Is that from CWA, because my computer crashed and the last time I played was March 2013.

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Apparently he is:

Is that on Geonosis?

Looks a lot more like Ryloth to me…

It is from Clone wars: Republic Heroes, not CWA.