Super Serums RP

“Voting works. Have the democracy tempered with good sense.”

“I vote for not me. All in favor?” Lauren raises her hand.

“… I vote for Ivan.”

“That counts as not me.”

“Or the one who thinks the most.”
Ideruba “I wonder if there’s a way we can see.”
Lily “Maybe check the variable that causes certain powers. We have a dog who got speed. That’s his best attribute. Maybe someone has smarts as their’s.”

Ike “We’re young millennials. We don’t have sense.”
Ideruba “You sound like Mom.”

“Exactly, glad we agree on that.”

Ideruba “Well. I don’t agree with that.”
Ike “You have tbe least sense though.”
Lily “Yeah. You can’t even act normally.”
Ideruba “Neither do you.”

“Wait, what’s this team about, again?” Lauren lowers her hand, tucking it into a pocket.

Scott raises his hand. “I also vote for not Lauren.” He lowers his hand. “I actually vote for Ivan.”

As they are talking, they here an explosion. The ground rumbles beneath them. Looking out a window, you can see a massive plume of smoke rising from the industrial quarter.

Lauren rushes to the window, trying to get a good look at the smoke to see what her eyes tell her.

You see that a car factory has exploded, flinging automobile parts high into the air. You suspect the cause to be some high power explosive. A few seconds later, a second explosion follows the first.

Scott says in surprise; “What the hell?”

Ike “Crap. We don’t have a serum.” Ike starts running out
Ideruba My my. Playing big boy hero.

“Wait! I have a vial for you!” Simon calls. Only five left now…

“Car factory just got atomized. You want to do something, here you go.” Lauren runs out the door, bolting for her house.

Ike stops “Give me what ever you have. Vial or Thermos?”
Ideruba I hope it’s thermos
Lily Vial for the win.
Ike “Do we pay?”

“Well, don’t tell Frederick, but I can give you a vial for free.” He hands him the vial.

@jayzor17 There was too much going on before to notice, but as you race home, you realize that you could detect the mysterious substance in vast quantities, and not in the serums Simon carried…but where? For some reason, it slips from your mind.

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Lauren’s house is decidedly not in the same direction as the explosions.

“so if we take a different thing then what we took, would we get a new power? Would we keep both at once?” Bailey questions out loud

Ooc- low key wanna change Bailey’s power

Is that ok?