Super Serums RP

“is that a compliment?” he laughs a tad bit

She raises an eyebrow “And how would that be a compliment”

“well you see when an old person gets called young they find it as a compliment. im far from old though. meh” he shrugs. there was a slight sense of sarcasm in the first part

“I think its good to take pride in age”

“With age comes wisdom, i guess.”

IC: Daniel nods sagely, as if he understands what robe man is saying. “Ah yes. The library. It all comes down to the library.”

He blinks, finger still rested on his chin. “Which way’s the library again? Also, I think I…might be able to help you. Under a set of conditions of course.”

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“Thats also true.”

“so. what stuff can you do?”

“Die painfully and disappear.” She sighs and puts a hand to her head

“that sucks. talk about getting the short end of the stick”

Bow chicka bow wow. “Yeah… I die from such the smallest things too”

“such as?”

“Getting a paper cut.”

“d*mn. so after you die what happens, if you dont mind me asking”

Gotta fib a bit. “I come back alive somewhere else” Half truth

“so its just completely random?”

“Kind of.”

“neat. sucks you cant stand much though”

“Yeah… Any thing that makes me bleed or break a bone that’s a guaranteed death

“would a punch do the same thing then?”