Supermarine Takeoff

A fun little drawing to further improve my skill with a drawing tablet. Enjoy!


I think the perspective is a bit off, but it looks good! It could use a bit more detail and shading, but it’s not a bad start.

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Thank you!

This is a neat start! Your line work on that plane is very appealing!

One thing to keep in mind is composition. Right now two-thirds of the entire picture is just the sky, and even that is just one single color. The thing your eye is immediately drawn to is that big, empty sky, which means the viewer isn’t seeing what you want them to see.

For this particular piece I think it would have been beneficial to make the plane take up most of the canvas, or at least crop out half of that big, empty sky. That, or add some interesting cloud shapes there to at least add some interest.

Otherwise though, not bad at all! The plane itself is really well drawn!

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Thanks for the advice and the compliment!
I’ll work on that in the future, I do agree that my composition was.,.
not as good as it should have been.

Yay! Spitfire best plane! I reckon the grass is a bit over sized, but otherwise really nice.

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