Suuuuuper smaaaaaash brotherrrrs!

I usually use Meta Knight… I am such a n00b…

I also use Link, as well. Sure, his jumping sucks, but it’s something about sword characters like him that I am good with.

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Meta Knight

First time I ever played Brawl, he was the only one I was good at

I still play Meta Knight often, but now I’m trying to distance myself from him. I guess in future people will be calling me a n00b for using Little Mac so often…

(btw Meta Knight isn’t considered broken anymore so he’s legit in 3DS/Wii U)

Diddy Kong has taken over the MK role from Brawl


is Diddy Kong that good? I don’t see him as a too big problem…

I’d say so. Banana peels put opponents into trip state, giving him some insane stage control and a free 15 or so % off any banana peel trip, side B has both a grabbox and a hitbox, uair has some crazy KOing potential and is basically an assured combo off d-throw, making getting grabbed essentially death anywhere above 120%, his small size makes him harder to combo, and generally speaking good Diddy Kongs are just really annoying to play against.


I usually play offline so I haven’t met anyone who is really good with him, but you’re probably right. his attacks seems very unbalanced from what I’ve seen (and now heard).

What about Link/Toon Link? My brother always complains about them being extremely OP.

Link’s certainly much better than he was in Brawl, but he’s by no means overpowered. His up close game isn’t good enough to rely on for consistent offense (many of his moves are very punishable if they miss or are blocked), meaning that he has to use a combination of projectiles (which are also fairly slow) and tilts/jabs to play a mid range game. Beating Link generally comes down to being able to read when he’s going to do what and punishing it appropriately, characters with long “poking” moves like ZSS or Rosalina can give keep him from ever getting into that mid range game and cause some real problems.


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That’s mostly what I tought, but I’m not a very experienced smash player. I have about 20 hours or so on smash 4, and it’s my first game in the series so looks like I have a lot to learn.

if you or ayone else have smash bros for wii u feel free to add me, but please PM me here if you do so.

username: TurteX

Oh yeah. After something that happened last night, I’m thinking about maining Shulk.

Can we say…

…you’re really feelin it?

kill me

I like playing as sonic, wolf, falco and fox because they are really fast.

By that gambit you should be using Captain Falcon as well

@TurteX: I’d be up for some matches. My NNID’s ChocolateMetroid. Do you have skype, per chance? Makes these things way easier to set up…

@Hawkflight: You’ll be the fourth Shulk main around here…the TTV scene is really feeling it in general.



I main Robin.
He is best.

Have you tipped any scales yet


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The time for that will come.

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I’m fairly competent with Robin as well. Especially in marathon modes, where his/her Nosferatu can be used in place of healing items.

I main Pac-Man

is there something wrong with me?


Not at all…we could use more Pac-Mans. Honestly, we could use more of anything around here except Shulk and Sonic.

On another note, would anyone here be interested in doing a round robin tournament on a weekend sometime? Probably would have 5 or 6 players at most, top two records would meet in a championship game of sorts, maybe an hour or two at most.


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Sounds like a good idea. I haven’t tested my Wii U internet connection though.