Team Fortress 2

My fav class is the Soldier, for the time being, but pyro comes a very close 2nd, and Demo and the Shpee tie in 3rd place.
My Favorite Weapon must be the Frying Pan, 100% guaranteed crits every hit, it’s awesome.
My Top1 hat is the Flamboyant Flamenco, it’s just so swaggy.
I clock in at 783 hours, i go long periods of time without playing it and get a bit confused of all the updates when i come back (but that’s not a problem anymore amirite)
I have not found any unusuals.
Servers, eeeeh, i go wherever.
Tours, yah i think,
But if anyone wants to do one, i’ve still got 2 tickets from that smissmiss update and i got a double glitch duplication of the gifts. Too bad they’re untradable.
Anyways, if anybody’s up for a tour, count me in.

Got back to TF2 a few days ago, I’ve been using Sniper, Pyro, and Spy a lot more often these days :stuck_out_tongue:

In case you haven’t heard the big news yet: Valve and Competitive TF2

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Scout. Love glass cannons. I used to main spy and sniper, but lost interest after the 200 hour mark.

Soda Popper. Super fun, and deadly in the right hands.

The Magnificent Mongolian.

Currently, 400. But I’ve been part of the community since the Uber update.

None. 2poor.

Volvo servers. Dedicated pubstomper. Every now and then, I go to some Highlander lobby, but most of the time I go to pub servers.


Anyhow, I’ve been thinking of starting my own competitive team. If anyone is interested, hit me up. My steam account is linked on my profile.
inb4 only 400 hours and comp

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Hello, how about that latest update? Any opinions?

It’s bad and Volvo should feel bad.

If I wanted skins I would’ve gone to bullet spread simulator CS:GO.

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It does seem silly…

They also tweaked a bunch of weapons and added new maps to the game.

Let’s not be excessively cynical twits here, eh?


Skins are just a side component to this update. This is huge, it’s like we’re getting a bunch of new weapons and the Loch-N-Load gets nerfed after 7 months of being broken, it’s pretty awesome. And the balance changes make it seem like they gave a bit more care int TF2 after such a long time of neglect. Thought the new CS:GO like features, like picking up guns, seems a little un-TF2-ish, i don’t wan’t F2P peasants picking up my hard earned swaggy guns.

PS: althought i don’t think a whole lot about skins, i’m spendin those 6 dollars to get the pass. gotta get swag


I basically feel the same, I probably should read all those update notes…

So, has anyone gotten any weapon skins yet? I finished both of my contracts for the week and got one for Heavy and one for Medic :stuck_out_tongue:

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I got a scatergun in factory new and a rocket launcher in field tested…

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I’ve been playing it for a month or two now, so I missed some of the interesting stuff.
Pretty fun (besides the bog-saget lag!!), but I’m still not that good at it. Dying more often than not.

-Favorite Class: Scout
-Favorite Weapon: Natascha (don’t own one yet)
-Hat: Preferably none, don’t have any, would like a hoodie
-Total Hours: 45
-Unusual Hats: The Party hat. I got rid of it.
-Servers: Valve. Too scared to try anything else
-Tours: None. Haven’t paid a single penny since I started playing.

You are on of the lucky ones…

…Also, to anyone in the topic, if you ever want someone to win against, I’m up for it…

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try going on servers run by youtubers.

those are usually good.

except Jerma’s that one time he went to PAX


[cough] silly servers [cough]

Solemn Vow was nerfed

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how do you nerf a weapon that did jack s-- t

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I usually use the spy and disguise myself as the medic

1v1 me trainsawlazer m8…