The Brotherhood of Makuta - What About a Community MOC Project?

The way he announced the updated version of Kerona in this topic seems to indicate to me that he knew I wasn’t around at the time. Thus it definitely isn’t your fault.

Rather I find it strange that not only did he take apart his Makuta right away, but also before he got my feedback…

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All Makuta are currently assigned


Updated map of Assigned Regions in the first post!

A lot of new regions to be assigned, too. You can request a region for a MOC you already uploaded, if you want, but I’ll only accept your request if I feel like your Makuta should/would have a region. For example all Makuta who have important jobs on Destral wouldn’t be assigned to a region.

If not all regions get assigned until all Makuta are done, I’ll assign them myself as I see fit.

Remember that only Makuta who were still alive at 79,100 years ago can be assigned to regions.

I might post a list of Makuta I feel should get a region sometime later, maybe…

Wanitama would fit well for the island of Rusa:
My current idea is that the island would be some kind of testing area for new Rahi in their natural habitats which would explain all the rare Rahi there. Wanitama would make sure no Rahi escape from the island and also keeps his plant collection there - kinda like a botanical garden. As you know Wanitama died shortly after the Convocation because he inhaled toxic spores. Now, instead of on Destral this would happen on Rusa, and the Makuta would try to figure out a way to make the island safe again. However, the Vortixx suddenly show interest in removing the island because it interferes with their trade routes, so the Makuta sell Rusa to Xia, and Rusa is destroyed (including everything potentially toxic on it).

Would that be alright?

Kaihodian might be a good candidate to be assigned to Airon, given that I put his underwater facility near that island.

Would that be alright?

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All Makuta are currently assigned


Quick Update: I have finished My MOC and just need to get pictures and finish the backstory. I have named him Varutahk. (Sorry, couldn’t think of a good Y name.)


I’ll give mine a Y name :stuck_out_tongue:


This could work if his facility was near the island, perhaps this gives him access to shallow water Rahi and any Rahi native to Airon. Yeah, I have no issues with this, go ahead.

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Think I could weasle a compound where Lomois could safely conduct his experiments on one of those islands?

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Would work, I’d say. Bisos would suggest itself to me due to it being near Xia where Lomois would frequently oversee mass production of his deadly devices.

Is that alright?

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All Makuta are currently assigned

That works well.

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Time for some advertisement ;):

You remember when I mentioned that the Brotherhood Project is collaborating with Red Star Games? Well, RSG’s main goal - releasing a Bionicle Tabletop RPG - is close to completion. So mark July 19th in your calendar.
More information about that will follow in the next days on their website, so if you’re interested keep yourselves informed there:

Now, what does this mean for the Brotherhood Project? Well, currently not too much as far as I’m aware. However, the RPG system will be expanded over time, including huge amounts of worldbuilding information. Worldbuilding information that will eventually include the Brotherhood of Makuta - your Makuta.

But the complete Brotherhood is needed for that - so time to dig out your parts and get your Makuta MOCs done!

Starting in August there will be monthly reminders.

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All Makuta are currently assigned


so… I can’t help make a makuta?
what about minions? I can make an army of rahkshi and Rahi…

Currently not, sorry.

That’s unfortunately not part of the project.

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All Makuta are currently assigned

oh well. it looks cool, I cant wait for the game to come out!

I’m going to be going out of town for a while and based on current progress (an arm and half of the torso) it’s going to be a long time before I’m able to finish it. I kinda want to give up my spot.

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The story’s fine, but the name sounds… off somehow. I think it’s something about it only having soft-sounding consonants. It also sounds like about three actual countries.

Also, I’ve been reworking my final Makuta recently (I may give him skirt-like armor built with the wings of the new dragon-master Ninjago spinners) the point being that I am still working on him.- I haven’t forgotten.

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Alright, I’ll remove you from the list.

Island names might or might not change in the future. Actually you can even suggest a different name if you want (which might or might not be used eventually) I just named everything so you can refer to the islands by a name. The RSG people have more pressing matters than naming islands at the moment :wink:

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There is again 1 Makuta to be assigned


@Gilahu Can you assign me please?

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Yep, I’ll put you on the list for a non canon male Makuta. Make sure to read the rules if you haven’t already.

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All Makuta are currently assigned

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My Makuta’s almost ready, I’m just having a bit of trouble with the arms. He’ll be posted either today or tomorrow.

@Gilahu, he’s up on the board now.

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So my makuta’s name can start with Y. What sort of roles are needed in a peacekeeping force-turned evil cult?

Well, Makuta were created as scientists, so if you can think of something interesting in that regard that would work.

I’ll see if I can think of something else…

Does anyone else have suggestions for Makuta professions we could still use?

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All Makuta are currently assigned