The In-Between (RP Topic)

Hitora blinks and looks around. He sees all sorts of different creatures around him, and none seem all to knowing of where they are. He cracks his back. “Now, anyone know where we are?” He says, looking around the white room.

@Omega_Tahu, @LTVmocs, @Tigocourt117, @Traykar, @1000Purse30, @KAI_BORG, @Ghidora131, @Shadowrockboy190, @BrokenAxels, Begin your adventure!

“Wha…so many people are here…” Echo mutters “Wonder how many ill kill. Oh look its traykar”

Traykar points his spear at Hitora,“Where,Am, I?”

Eric observes

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Hitora looks at him. “You look kinda familiar, but I don’t know where you are. I thought all of you were destroyed, or at least weren’t sentient.”

“Hey traykar. Oh, hi eric…Wait these may not be the ones i knew.”

Darren wakes up, and starts to sit up. “Where?..”

Eric watches.

Armin opens his eyes.

“well, I still don’t like any of you.” lied Traykar.

“Aw i missed you too buddy” Echo joked

“So, where is here?”

“Um…apparently a place between dimensions. Neat”

“You think one leads to the chaos realm?”

“The what?” Hitora asked as he looked around, seeing the sign. He goes to read it. “Neat.”

“Possibly?” Echo picks up the object and looks at it

On the back it reads. ‘Press the button on this to return here at any time.’

Hitora takes one. ''Neat."

“Oh sweet” Echo pockets the device

Darren gets up and reads things over. He then grabs one.

Armin gets up and does the same

Eric doesn’t grab one.

“Can you wear it?”

Scorpio gets up and asks “where am I?” he walks and grabs the object

Hitora looks. “You can clip it on like a pin.” He looks at the halls. “Hm. Where to first?” He mumbles to himself.