The In-Between (RP Topic)

“Destroy this and let him come to us, assuming he’s waterproof.” He starts wailing on the already heavily pressurized tank.

LTV is there for plot convenience

Blaze sees a weak seam. “Hope you guys know the doggy paddle!” He then strikes down with all his power on that spot.

The tank burst spewing, gasoline?

“Blow them Sky high,” The enemy commander yelled into his walkie-talkie with wicked glee.

“What of the troops stationed there?” A general asked.

“Expendable. This trap was the Magnum opus of my strategic planning, Blow them to Hell,” He replied.

One of the wolfen at the plant set fire to the liquid, causing explosions all over the facility.

“Everybody get out, it’s gonna blow!” Blaze makes a mad dash for out of the blast radius.

Echo grabs Kumu and does the same “it’s a trap!” Kumu yells will grinning

Blaze grabs them as he runs, not breaking stride.

Darren runs away, the gasoline catching fire behind him.

OOC: Because Science, straight gasoline won’t explode, just burn.

IC: “Rifle.” Eric tells Armin, who looks surprised for a moment, before handing him the rifle.

LTV casually walks away

OOC: Pressurized does, which we did do.

This song started blaring over the speakers, while a countdown to critical failure played.

Kumu grabs his arm as echo runs “weee!” She yelled in a excited voice while laughing, it was clear she was having fun

LTV Gets dragged away

Blaze keeps running, he wants to find the CMDR and get his group’s powers back. He will show what happens when you mess with Blaze’s friends.

OOC: It’s not pressurized if it’s spilling out of the tank into the ground…

IC: Eric weighs the rifle in his hands, before once again looking over the hill and shooting a couple if Wolfen before ducking back down.

Darren continues to run.

OOC: Some tanks may not be leaking.

Gages cracked, pipes burst, and, with one final groan, the building exploded in a remarkable display of fire and death. Each of the group was tossed a good deal away from the blast.

OOC: Oil gas mixture

OOC: all of it that’s connected to the spewing oil, therefor being lit, would have rapidly depressurized from the breach, otherwise it couldn’t have been lit.

While Tangi and Keya got out with minor injuries, Hitora had been blasted back, tearing at his leg in the metal boot, and his one arm, hurting him quite a deal. He looked defeated. “Our plan failed. He had been listening the whole time!” He hit the ground and winced in pain. “But how? We’d been whispering away from the speakers! HOW!”

She lands on him after the blast “sorry” she says before promptly getting up

“Its okay.” He pats her back