The Last Resistance (Space)

The Plague Doctor sat down, puzzled. “We need to figure out where these monsters are coming from. Any ideas?”

“You made em’ did you have blueprints for them?”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t solve the problem! Where are these things coming from?! I know they’re definately not on Earth!”

“can you trace the instructions in case they were stolen?”

The Plague Doctor thought for a moment. Then he jolted up. “Uh oh…”

“what is it this time? Wait they’re thawing out right?”

“No, it’s not that…” The Plague Doctor slowly said. “I just remembered, I left the designs unprotected. Someone could’ve easily reproduced the plans.” He shook his head with worry. “These creatures are highly destructive, and we need to find whoever is making them and stop them.”

“I assume they require a decent amount of resources to make and complex equipment. Hey Cap’n you know of anywhere people can get their hands on a good supply of people and some abomination making stuff?!”

The captain grinned behind his mask. “As a matter of fact, I do.” He brought up a picture of a planet in space. “Head here.” He said, typing coordinates into a device. “This was my home planet, before I got into the whole pirate biz. Its a scrap planet, where beings from all over the universe buy and trade, mostly items on the intergalactic black market. I’ve rubbed elbows with a powerful crime lord in that area. His name is Je’l-Karimm. Just say that ‘The Captain’ sent you, and he’ll be able to hook you boys up. Any questions?”

“I think were going to get along very well sir”

The captain nodded,smiling. He sent everyone to a ship, typing in the coordinates. “Good luck, you’ll need it.” With that, the ship blasted off into space.The Plague Doctor grunted, slumping down in his seat.

“So, what’s the deal with your chain?” Skader asked Ghartix. he had joined the team on the ship.

“To be honest, I don’t know. Just found it one day and now I don’t want to get rid of it.”

Skader shrugged.

Eventually, the ship had landed. it was barely even an actual planet, mainly made from scraps. Smog clouded nearly the entire sky. “keep your eyes peeled.” The Plague doctor said, clutching his firearm. “You never know what may jump out at you.”

“what like a shape-shifting alien monster that’s ten hundred thousand years old?”

“Sure, I guess…”

The group entered a shabby market center. There were shop stands, with people selling items of all kinds. A man approached Aris. “Hey kid, wanna buy some magic jewelry?” he asked, opening his trench coat and revealing amulets, rings and others sorts of jewelry, each with gemstones and mysterious runes marked on them. 'Let’s go." The Plague Doctor said, rushing along and looking at the other shop stands.

Aris stares him down. “I’m likely older than you. I don’t appreciate being called kid.”

The trench coat man snickered, scurrying off. on the shop stands were regular items, such as sandals and potato chips. Then, there straight up crazy items, like human body parts.

The Plague Doctor looked around, searching for the person they had been sent to find.
“What do you guys see?” the Plague Doctor asked the others.

Aris walked over to the stand with people parts. “Blood?” He asks.

“I’m not entirely sure…”

“Hol’ up I thought I saw a sun cult kiosk gimme a moment” Glub glub scampers off to search for the Kiosk