The Moc Request Topic

Mesonak- Skakdi head with black horns and blue eyes
Var- black kakama (mata)
Prpl- i dunno
Ven- Blue Great Ruru
Viper- Great Mahiki
Eljay- Gold Miru (preferably 01)
Kahi- Calix

that’s the official list.


Thank you!

Would love to post a picture of my G2 sniper rifle as an alternative answer to the first question,but the only camera I have access to is on my tablet, and I’m about ready to toss that thing in the garbage. Essentially though, it’s pretty much just a nine-inch long Stud Shooter that utilises more than a few axel connectors, a piece of Vorox armor, and those two curved armor plates present in Onua Uniter’s hammer for the chamber. The gear on the back that activates its function doubles as its stock.
As for the real reason I’m here, I’m considering repurchasing all of the Bionicle G2 villains at some point in the future to make some cross-wave combo models, and I was thinking about how some of them might turn out recently. Now obviously, I’d be doing my own thing with them completely from scratch, but I figured that seeing what some other members of the community came up with would help stir the creative juices around a bit and provide me with some much-needed inspiration.
For those of you who wish to accept this challenge, the following list of combos (arranged by color scheme) should help out a bit in terms of what I’m looking for:

Combo 1: Lord of Skull Spiders, Kulta the Skull Grinder, and Lava Beast
Combo 2: Skull Scorpio and Umarak the Destroyer
Combo 3: Skull Slicer and Umarak the Hunter
Combo 4: Skull Basher and Quake Beast
Combo 5: Skull Warrior and Storm Beast

Potential combos not on the list above are fine as well, so long as they at least consist of one 2015 and one 2016 villain set, respectively. Happy building!

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Skull Spider.


or, y’know, the Ven design.

the skakdi head has been seen more than the spider mask.

I was simply pointing out that there is another option.

An option used by Mesonak, and in the TTV Channel branding…


Another speed question: In the TTV Civil War Trailer, I saw how the TTV Crew Members were suppose to be Marvel Heroes. This can help me for my self-mocs for the TTV Crew.
I already know that Eljay is Captain America and Kahi is Iron Man. But I want to know who are:
P.S.: I don’t remember quite well if every single Crew Member from above appear in the trailer…

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Let my incredible memory of horribly pointless things guide you on your path.

Meso is Hawkeye.

Var is Black Panther.

Viper is Black Widow.

Prpl is Scarlet witch.

and Ven is Spider-man…


Political Slime is Crossbones.

Jogn/John_Smith is The Winter solider.

legomaster is War machine.

Chronicler is Ant Man.

Indigogeek is The Vision.

And I think Waj was Falcon?


On Biosector01 is a Rahi named Acid Fly. Can somebody make a design of a Acid Fly for me?

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I’m new here and I am requesting someone to make me a moc based off the following bio
Name: Blitz
Species: bonkle
Weapons: dark flame scythe
Powers/abilities: fire, darkness
Appearance: coming soon
Bio/personality: blitz is a warrior of fire who was exiled from his kingdom by a corrupt ruler
Also I don’t know if this is in the correct category

Thanks, Captain Obvious.


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So does that mean your gonna make it?

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I don´t have enough pieces and/or skill to make it, I´d only make a cheap and lame CCBS moc. I would if I could.

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Oh ok

That really narrows it down.

That really narrows it down.

How do you expect someone to make something for you with virtually nothing to go on?


what does this mean


The bio

And what does the bio give other than a vague color suggestion? There’s a lot that goes into character design: species, build, color scheme, aesthetics, mask, weapon, etc.
Am I just supposed to extrapolate all that from ‘warrior of fire’?


Fine, don’t make it.

Nobody can make it unless you actually give a description, if even you don’t know what he’s supposed to look like how is anyone else supposed to have the slightest idea?