The Relationship Topic

Found out it was all a stupid dare and she actually has a boyfriend. Great.

On another note, I’m starting to become friends with my third grade crush again. Slightly worried she remembers me giving her an Ashoka Tano valentine… shudders. She sends me a lot of smiley emoticons, and the last girl to do that liked me. May ask her out, may not.

Just do it. The first girl is gone, her character was lacking tbh since she went through with such a cruel dare.

New girl is sending signals, which means she expects you to show them back. She’s trying to get your attention for one reason or another. Ask her out for some coffee or something, do the thing!


Um… thing? What thing?

The only thing that’s rational dude, take her out on a date somewhere!

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Cmon bro you know better than that.


Sorry lol

@Tarvaax should I ask her in person? I’ll probably see her this evening

I know this is late, but yes. Definitely.

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Oof I missed the chance today. Usually her parents are around when I see her… honestly I think I’ll just text…

Yikes, I know how it feels to have a hard time talking to someone around their parents. Have you had the chance to get to know them at all? I feel like it’s been easier for me to talk around them or suggest ideas to them (and girl involved) if you become friendly with them. But of course, that’s a challenge in itself.


Too late now. Already rejected :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh, sorry bro. Better luck on the next adventure. Can’t blame a guy for tryin’. :joy:


Hey, at least she wasn’t like “heck no ya dork” or something :joy: she’s super nice. I’ve known her for years


What an interesting read

I don’t mean to sound rude or anything, but I feel like a lot of people here are rushing into things, love’s a dance, slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Be sure of what you’re doing, don’t just start throwing feelings out all willy nilly.


That moment when you get rejected and think oh I need a haircut anyway might as well try something new so you tell the barber to just do whatever and he gives you exactly what you had before, asks if you have a girlfriend, AND thins out your eyebrows. Yup.


All these kids got Luuuuuv on the braaain.

You right though, going as slow as possible is usually best.


Pathetic beings, trying to waste your time in relationships.

I for one have accepted the fact I’ll be alone forever and no woman will ever love me.


Relationships are so complicated.
A guy at school asked me to lunch. I told him I already had plans. Then he pulled out a knife and told me to cancel them. So I broke his arm.
Now his brother (who has always hated him, and vice versa) wants to take me out to lunch as thanks. Not sure if I should go for it.


jeez you broke his arm! do you do martial arts or something?

and to be honest it does sound sorta sketchy but hey its your call.

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To keep it simple start by asking yourself “do you want to go out with him?” but what do I really know I’m no expert in these fields. I mean I totally didn’t screw up last time. Nope not at all

Yeah, that might be something to consider too I guess.

Good lord say no. That level of hatred should be considered completely intolerable. You could say that he wouldn’t hate you and only hates his brother, but hate is in some ways like an emotion. You can act happy for someone when you’re sad, but you’re still sad. A hateful person can show love to someone, but is still ultimately hateful