Things You Dislike About the Channel

They can only have a MK8 game night if Kahi plays as Wario.


I could probably arrange that at some point.


Don’t get me wrong; we’d love to do MK8, but sadly the market of people that have WiiUs is really low. Venom is the only one of us that has one. He’s also the only one that has a capture card, and then we’d have to transfer the raw footage for Var to edit and…it’d be a lot of work. We’d also have to actually meet up in real life for that to happen, since he has the capture card and the console, so that’s plane tickets and hotel rooms for one LP. Probably not going to happen anytime soon… =P

Don’t get me wrong, I get your frustration…but this is just one of those things that you don’t get until you’re working on production. One big thing is the schedules: sometimes, we’ll talk about an idea that we all want to do, but then we have to wait until everyone is online to do it. Everyone has school and work now, and we also have the international to worry about (Viper and Exx are overseas). We’re also working on a bunch of behind the scenes stuff too; the website was a big one that we’ve been working on for a while.

That’s not to defer criticism, because videos that do take too long is something valid; but it’s also one of those things that sounds easier to do from an outside perspective and you only get to realize how difficult it is when you’re actually doing them.


Actually, speaking of Viper and Exx, that’s a good question I’ve never really seen brought up. when the group records podcasts, or anything really, what time is it for members overseas? I’m sure scheduling can get pretty tough

Don’t get me wrong, I love the phrase “don’t get me wrong,” but I’d like it if you used it less.
(this is just a joke for the record.

I realized this before I posted it but I was too lazy to fix it






and having to fix downtimes


I’ve not tuned into the show that much (Yet I hope to be featured in an episode, maybe one day) So I have nothing to dislike as of now. But I will tell you this, I like how honest you guys are, you guys will constantly remind your viewers that basically you’re only human, and human’s make mistakes. So if a news thread might end up being denied, you know it’s not confirmed and you make an appropriate response. Maybe you guys need to be more personable but again I’ve only seen a handful of videos, nothing to say I TOTALLY KNOW THEM LIKE THE BACK OF MY HAND. :smiley: :smiley:


I dislike downtimes and late episodes.

Oh yeah, and Mirus.


The old Miru wasn’t that good, it just had an awkward shape. The new one thoughm the new Miru looks good.


I have no problem with Mirus, TBH - it’s a recurring joke from the show :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: I meant the fan community, not the show

actually I believe it was only used once in mnog with meso
what you should have said was a recurring joke in the ttv fan community

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Thx for pointing that out, I worded it wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, more uploads of Autopsy and other shows like that would be cool, but I do understand why that isn’t always reasonable.


I want a Bionicle Lore series sooo bad!
You guys could cover the “untold facts” of the G1 (Mataverse)


I’m unclear, it this exact thing what Viper’s series is gonna be? (Bionicle: through the ages)

I love the channel it just seems like there is a decent gap between content, not that, that is bad i just personally love all your content and enjoy seeing more.

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I want more ATHAA weeks.


Yeah, it was better without those chumps :stuck_out_tongue: