Things You'd Love to See as Movies

Can I get


every popular anime made live action

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@Asriel yes I love that couch gag
As for me, a wings of fire movie sires would be cool also a howling commandos of s.h.i.l.d movie would be awesome

The first W.A.R.P book. I could see Edward Norton as Albert Garrick, Stanley Tucci as Agent Orange, tom Holland as Rilley, but idk about chevron savano

The fact that there hasn’t been an annoying orange movie is criminal. I demand a terrible live action/animated hybrid about an annoying talking fruit!

Heccin yes

There have been several film adaptations.

@TeslaEffect and @Toa_Vladin : Steven Universe - Wikipedia

@Ninja and @EmperorDuckie: The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange - Wikipedia
Grant it, i’s a show, not a movie, but still.

I’d like a good video game movie. Also, did they ever plan on doing a 3rd G.I. Joe?

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I want movies for the other 4 Narnia Books. And please, this time make it accurate, not like Down Trader.

You remember the last time right? They all sucked equally!

Yeah man. I remember the last time they made a TF movie. I think it was about Bumblebee or something. It sucked as hell.

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Okay that one didn’t suck it was amazing and I’m waiting for more like it

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A PG Deadpool where at the end it’s revealed that he was just pitching it to Kevin Feige and he’s like “i know you guys prefer to keep it G, but I think Walt will be willing to make an excep- wait where is Walt?” And Kevin’s like “um… Walt’s dead…” and Deadpool starts to say something explicit but the credits cut him off


We need this.
So much.


Yes and the post credit scene would be him finishing saying it but it turns out to have just been frick


To solve the issue of immersion… they could film it all in first person, up until the end. Similarly to how MNOG only discloses your character at the end.

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Literally anything as long as it’s about Tom Hanks being isolated in some way. Those movies are always home runs

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A Star Wars movie so good that fans would boycott it due to it outperforming every other piece of Star Wars media made previously.

Or a movie where they have all the writers, directors, and actors who are hated by the fandom and yet actually make an incredibly good movie.

Yes, I spend too much time reading opinion pieces…

I would love to see a new Bionicle movie that accurately represents both sets and characters who never received sets.

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Morbius 2: More BS