Transformers: Salvation

Zepar tries to find descriptions and images of the artifact.

Whatever the artifact was, it was dangerous. The surviving logs mentioned certain containment protocols being enacted to ensure its safe transport to Cybertron.

“We have taken the proper precautions to ensure that the artifact is properly contained, and that all aboard are kept safe from [ERROR]…[ERROR]-rtheless, report to sickbay immediately [ERROR] ex-[ERROR], inexplicable dizziness or pa-[ERROR]”

“Primus protect us all.” Zepar said in a terrified whisper. He tries to find a single image of the artifact, fearing more and more that it was related to the Chaosbringer’s Blood.

No image of the artifact could be found.

“Hi? Who are you…”

Zepar stepped away from the console and looked at the glyphs around them, hoping they held a clue.

SideStep nodded.
“I’ll head down there, then. I’ll comm if I need help.”

The glyphs, like the ones in the detached arm, seemed to be the paranoid ramblings of a poor, deranged soul. References to the Heralds of Unicron and the mythical Darkest Hour could be found in the writings, but beyond that, nothing.

Broadband nods and gives a thumbs-up.

“Whatever is here, we must identify.” Zepar said, casting his gaze in search for anything abnormal.

SideStep nodded and turned out of the bridge. He walked into a hangar and stepped into the void.

“I’m…Uh… Road-ocara.”
Delta mumbled, really not knowing what other fake name to use.

“Roadocara?” Aridocara asks “That reminds me of my name!”

The two blasted, burnt, and decayed halves of the derelict cruiser hang in orbit below SideStep, bathed in the blue light of the nearby star.

There was nothing in this corridor that Zepar and Gronius had not already seen.

“Cool…!” Delta said, trying to seem uninterested so that Aridocara would leave.

“My names Aridocara by the way!” He says “I used to be friends with this other guy but he got pretty rude to this girl I kinda fancied and he’s really nostalgic to the war so I’m not sure if we should be friends…”

SideStep made his way towards the cruiser.

“Wait, girl you fancied?” Delta said, a little confused.

“I feel uneasy talking about this…” Aridocara blushes

Debris and the remains of the corpses that were once the Knights who crewed the cruiser drift passed SideStep as he travels. Worryingly, it seemed that many of the Knights had been fighting each other when they had died, and all bore signs of injury from various weapons.

“Oh, come on!” Delta said, pushing him with her ursagryph claw.