Transformers: Salvation

“I sing mostly.”

“Ah, well, I sure can’t,” Blight winked, but his massive single eye made it a little confusing to pick up on. “I may of an angel’s skill and an angel’s looks, but this angel sure doesn’t have a voice. Or very good hearing, but that’s besides the point.”

Juliana blushes slightly and looks down, embarrassed. “uh… um… well, I guess no one is perfect.”

“Nah, I’m just joking,” Blight confessed. “I don’t know half the medicines I make and I know I’ve got a giant eyeball that takes up the majority of my face.”

“C-can Í ride on yurrrrrrrrr should-----er?” a small voice whimpered up at Blight. By his feet, Pixel raised his hands in plea.

“No way,” growled Blight. “Just… scan a rocket and fly or something.”

The statue stares back at Zepar, but does not move.

These sentinels were a common feature in ships and facilities of the Knights of Cybertron. In peaceful times they were impressive decorations, though when needed they could be deployed as sentries often controlled by AI.

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SideStep drove through the hallways of Salvation until he reached Shockwave’s lab.
He transformed and entered the laboratory, looking around the room for the scientist.
“Shocky?” He called. “You lurking around here someplace?”

“I am,” Shockwave’s deep, resounding voice sounds from behind SideStep, accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps falling against the deck.

“We got all the stuff, right? When are we gonna do the… cordial high five thingamajig?”

Shockwave tilts his head. A spiderweb crack spread across his crimson eye, and several gunshot wounds peppered his frame, along with a long cut across his midsection.

“Hardly a fitting name,” the cyclops comments. “Whatever we decide to call it must in some way summarize or corelate to its function.”

“How about, ‘Let’s do this before I decide to put a few more bullets into that logic-*** head of yours?’”

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Shockwave nods.

“Perhaps that can be its working name,” he deadpans… a tone not much different from his usual one, actually.

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Sidestep tilts his head back loosely.
“Finally.” he groaned at the ceiling.

Actaeon stood and waited, he could use the small rest of just waiting.

“Yeah… I’m fine… Just tired…”
He said between forced and ragged breaths.

Shockwave stands in silence for a second, before limping slightly through the doors to his lab.

The Autobot medic returns, though Gearbox was not with him.

“Your friend- whoever he is- will need to be in here a while,” he says. “I’ll give him credit, though- standing around an’ givin’ me attitude with a breached primary energon vein. He’s tougher than he looks.”

Greasemonkey nods.

“Yes; aren’t we all?” he asks, his voice reverberating through his mouthplate.

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Actaeon chuckles,
“Some say he was born tough, others say he was born with a thicker skull, I say he’s an idiot who’s putting on a strong act.”
He turns to leave,
“Notify me once he’s repaired, I need to check on a few…lab rats…”

SideStep follows him, not unlike a puppy waiting for a treat.

Redstocker could barely hold a laugh.

In the end, Gronius and Epsilon finally arrived. Gronius immediately started looking for Broadwing.
@MaxinePrimal @BlackBeltGamer98

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“well, Um… Just because you have a one eye, doesn’t make you lacking. I mean, look at Shockwave, he’s not lacking, he’s just doing his job. there’s nothing wrong with a single eye.” She straightened up somewhat as she talked, but when she finished, she realized what she had been doing and sort of pulled herself back in.

“Um… was something I said funny?” wondered Blight, scratching his hood.

“There is when someone pokes it,” Blight jested. “Or when you find the sickest pair of shades, but then realize that they come in a pair.”

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