Transformers Storm's Wraith RP

Dicius was bored, so he went outside.

Dire continued his work.

Loudmouth and flashback sleep in there hab suite

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Dicius can’t sleep. He had nightmares.

Dire continued his work.


Loudmouth pilots the ship, while flashback prowls around.

OOC: debate day? =D

Ic: Direwolf continued his work.

OOC: Maybe tomorrow, It’s late for me.

Direwolf sat in deep thought as he prepared for the debate.

Loudmouth sat in his hab suite preparing his argument.

Dire continued to contemplate, while he spified himself up for the occasion.

Dicius was on the hallway, thinking at the debate.

OOC: I got a deep cut on my left hand, thankfully I’m right handed, but I will let you know when I can type with both hands.

OOC: Alright. does this mean that you’re not doing the debate?


OOC: no, I will do it, I just need a little time to heal, and get used to typing with a bandage between my thumb and pointer finger.

OOC: oh.

IC: Dire continued his preparations.

Dicius was still there.

Dire continued to think about his argument.

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Dicius started to walk on the hall.

“Game time,” Dire muttered to himself as he walked towards the auditorium.

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