Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age Part II

OOC: as big as it needs to be It’s pretty massive. There’s no way Ironjaw could even be close to being the same size; that’s absurd.

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OOC: Fine then.
IC: Warya sat down next to the two.

Piston transformed mid-air and landed next to the Chompazoid. “Hello.”

He moved his huge head to the newcomer.

“Might I ask what type of Cybertronian are you? Or if you are from another colony?”

“Nah I am from Cybertron. I’m a Chompazoid.”

“Well, we should at least rejoin the others,” Cargo suggests.

“Interesting. What is your name?”

Said the Chompazoid while Hornblow was trying to climb on him from his back.

“It is nice to meet you, Ironjaw. My name is Piston.”

Piston thought for a moment. “Would you be the Chompazoid that was falling? I know there was a Chompazoid and a… situation, but I was not sure who it was.”

OOC: I still don’t think he would know about this.
IC: “It was the alien metal.”
He excused himself.

Hammer would slowly walk towards Dicius, as he came he too fell down next to the wall, where Dicius was.

“Great job…” said Hammer tiredly.

Dicius said.

“By the looks of things the Funtionalists will be brought to justice.” said Hammer.

“Let’s hope so.”

“When are we going to get back to the ship ?”

“We can go there right now if we want.”

“Should we then ?”

Dicius stood up and transformed to his car mode.

Hammer stood up slowly, still not fully recovering from the battle.
“Lets roll.” said Hammer as he transformed in to his jet mode.