Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age Part II

The Chimera Stone and the Emberstone were certainly small enough to fit inside the holes.

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Firestorm places a marker/waypoint in his map so he could find this spot again.

He then transforms and flies to the armory to pick up the Chimera Stone and Emberstone.

OOC: And I smile when I think of how this would look in a modern video game: the fact that the ship has an open world feel to it and you can comfortably fly around from place to place all while enjoying the cool scenery of the ship’s interior that never seems to get old.


Maximus and Axis share a few long moments enjoying each other’s company. After a while, Axis spoke up.

“Hey. I’m going to head down to the armory. There’s something I want to take care of.”

“Alright then. I’ll be waiting here.”
Maximus responded. The two have a quick kiss goodbye and she departs.

Axis went down to the armory. Once she got there, she took the Tryptic Mask and placed it on her face. Last time she wore this relic was to communicate with the Matrix of Leadership. Now she wanted to speak with its maker. (Primus)


The scene changes. Axis was now standing on the same alien world that Firestorm, Seraphicon, and Asrar had spoken to Primus on in their uses of the Triptych Mask- the same world that Axis had briefly seen in her vision, in fact.

Primus sits on the edge of a cliff, his legs dangling as he toys with an enigmatic, golden mechanism that hovered above the palm of his right hand.

Firestorm arrives at the armory, landing gently so as to not disturb Axis. He sees the Star Saber and decides to try something and gently grabs the handle.

Okay. Play it cool. You’re only going to talk to the creator himself. What could go wrong?
Axis thought, trying to keep herself calm.

“Um… Hello there. I wanted to uh, talk to you.”
She said awkwardly, taking a single step forward.

Firestorm would be able to lift the blade with little effort.

Primus closes his hand. When he opens it again, the mechanism was gone. He turns to face Axis.

“I am all ears,” he says with a shrug.


Firestorm puts it back, having learned what he wanted, and picked up the stones.

He walks to the exit then takes flight for the hole-y statues.

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Cargo, Zipline, Killstreak, and Coalburn stare at the memorial.

“I think they got my nose wrong,” Zipline critiques.

“You don’t have a nose,” Cargo reminds.

“I have a nose,” states Coalburn.

Zipline corrects, “More like a muzzle.”

Killstreak studies Axis wielding the Star Saber fully. “So, this is what you guys were doing?”

“A woman emerged from the lake, ready to deliver the sword to the worthy,” Cargo informs. “I, however, was not ready.”

“A woman? Like, a lady of the lake?” Zip asks. “I feel like there should be a Monty Python reference here, but I can’t remember the quote.”

Coalburn tilts his head to the side. “I wonder if any of us are worthy.”

Cargo and Killstreak take a step back, in contrast to Zipline, who takes a step forward.

“No offense, Zip, but I don’t think it’d be you,” Coalburn tells him.

“Well, I am pretty great at public speaking,” he protests. “I got Cargo and myself out of being arrested while leaving Cybertron.”

Absolution sits peacefully in the sim room, refusing to program a competition.


“Hi. I’m Axis. From Eukaris? But you probably knew that already. Listen, I just figured that with what’s been happening recently, what with the Star Saber and me interfacing with the Matrix a while ago… I just… I’m sorry. I don’t even know what I’m trying to say. This just felt like something I needed to do I guess…”


Primus scoots away from the edge of the cliff and rises to his feet.

“Let me hazard a guess,” he requests. “You want to know if all this means that you’re the next Prime- that you’ll be the one to open the Matrix, vanquish Nemesis Prime and the rest for good, and save all creation from their evil. How close was I?”

Primus did not sound condescending or jeering; he simply seemed curious, and wanted to help Axis sort out her thoughts.


Firestorm arrives at the spot he marked on his map and placed the Emberstone in the left statue and Chimera Stone in the one on the right. (Firestorm’s left and right facing them.). “Let’s hope this works.” He said.

“For once, I don’t want this to blow up.” Dark said, curious to see what was hidden behind the door.


The statue on the left springs to life, stepping to the side, away from the door. The one on the right, however, remains inert.

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“I mean, that’s part of it. Yeah. I’m just a simple bot that lives with a predacon. The most exciting my life ever got was when I used to be in a gladiator arena. Now I’m fulfilling holy prophecies and cutting off Nemesis Prime’s arm and talking to you… Its a lot. I’ve done so much so fast. Without even meaning to I’ve become so important. And I mean, I wouldn’t be opposed to being the next prime, but am I ready? Would I be good at it? I don’t know anything about being a leader. I can barely keep Maximus in line. But with everything that’s happened it feels like something I might have to face whether I want to or not.”


Firestorm raises an eyebrow in confusion, “Okay, let’s try this.” He said as he took both stones out of the statues and switched which stone went where, placing the Chimera Stone in the left one and the Emberstone in the right one.

He steps back to watch the result.

“I… honestly can’t say for certain what the future holds in store for you, Axis,” Primus confesses. “The future is a fluid thing, you see; there is only so much that can be predicted with any degree of certainty, and even then all things are subject to change.”

“…Take what I’m saying to you now as you will, Axis.”

The statue which now possessed the Emberstone steps to the side.

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“Well, can’t say I’m disappinted.” Dark quipped as Firestorm took out the relics and tries to open the door.


“But if it does happen… I’m afraid of letting everyone down. I’ve never been really important before. But not some people are thinking I’ll land the biggest promotion anyone could ever think of. If that’s how things play out, I’ll accept it. But I’m afraid I won’t be able to handle the responsibility.”


Primus takes a step closer.

“If the Matrix chooses you, Axis, then it will do so because it believes you can. And, personally, I believe it has rarely been mistaken in its’ decisions,” Primus says reassuringly.

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“Thanks. This is just all so much to think about. I appreciate your time.”

Axis said, preparing to leave. She had an idea to get advice from a few other sources.