Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age Part II

Whetstone used the power to help melt the ice and snow.

Hammer then finished explaining things, Hydro Rex was stoked about it.

“So you didn’t really overcome your darkness, haven’t you ?” asked Hydro.

“No.” said Hammer shaking his head. “Not really, but I am not so far away as to overcome it.” he said.

“Phew good to know.” said Hydro.

“But you on other hand…” said Hammer. “Have a very long way.”

“Come on Hammer, I know I can be hotheaded but I am not that bad…am I ?” he asked as he began questioning his actions.

“Rex, you are my friend and I say this with a heavy spark…but it is bad.” said Hammer.

Hydro looked sad. “But how am I suppose to change…if I don’t know where to begin with.”

“That is why I am here.” said Hammer. “To help you, at first I didn’t had help and I thought the world abundant me, but I still went through and I had help down the line. I think Father Auros and I could help you, I never said it would be easy but I believe in you.”

Hydro Rex smiled and so did Hammer.

“So what would it mean if you control your inner darkness, would that unlock some kind of power ?” asked Hydro.

“I don’t know, it would seem the angrier I get and as I tap into my emotions the stronger I become…as sometimes my appearance changes.” he said.

“Oh issh you tell me about it.” said Hydro as he remembered the last time he saw Hammer angry his eyes were glowing with a clear white crimson red and his body had contrasses of red vain lines as they two glowed with pure crimson red.

“That bad huh ?” asked Hammer.

“I don’t think so…but you sure look outworldly and sometimes quite freaking scary.” said Hydro.

“Don’t exaggerate.” he said.

“No I mean it, if you are able to scare a Dinobot then I don’t what kind of crazy things you can do. You seem to me that you make the impossible look possible, if people call you the son of Megatronus then I don’t blame him. I think the guy is crazy as you seem to be, but I mean it in a good way.” said Hydro.

Hammer chuckles. “Well maybe.”

“Hey I wonder if he sees himself in you.” wondered Hydro.

“Well I don’t know the time I spoke with him…he didn’t seem that I remembered him of something.” said Hammer.

“Maybe he is a hard guy to read, the only one which cracked him up was Solus.” said Hydro.

“Oh so you actually didn’t fall asleep in the History courses ?” asked Hammer ironically as he smiled.

“Ha ha, you know the Primes gotta be one of the most exciting story to actually listen to and not fall asleep, so I give them that much.” he said.

“Well when something significant happens in Bellator, then I’ll talk with him.” said Hammer.

“Oh you mean getting the Requiem Blaster ?” he asked.

“I don’t know…maybe ?” said Hammer.

“Haha I can see it in your optics, I’ve heard stories and pretty much know’em that trying to wield the Blaster is suicide, so Hammer be careful alright ?” he asked. “I don’t want to bury you.” he said smirking.

“It won’t happen, mark my words.” said Hammer as the two fist bumped each other’s fists.

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Vector and Amalgamous bow in turn.

Before long, the room was thawed, revealing a Cold Construction studio, similar to ones found on Hecate and Astrum.


Axis then deactivated the mask, and reactivated it to reach Micronus Prime.

Whetstone looked around. “Cool.”

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The scene changes to a cemetary on Vergrandis. Micronus sits atop his sepulchre, drinking a glass of vermilion Engex.

“Strange that the ship has a Cold Construction studio, seeing as how none of us are familiar with the art, and we have Solus’ Forge,” Beta Maxx muses.


“Oh. Wow. Definitely the most morbid place yet.”
Axis noted to herself. She the took a step closer to the prime.

“Hello? My name is Axis. I came here looking for advice and guidance. I hope I’m not intruding on anything.”

“Eh? Oh no, not at all,” Micronus assures Axis. “Just the usual; bein’ dead, all non-coporeal and ghostly-like.”


“And you decide to spend your time at your own grave? Pardon my saying so, but not quite my ideal way to spend the afterlife.”

Auros chuckles, “If Father Eclipse were here, that wouldn’t be the case considering his duties on Hecate.” He figured he would ask later seeing as how the Minicon seemed to be pondering something.

Firestorm raised an eyebrow, “Huh, this could be useful.” He remarks as he tries to update the map.

“Want to see what the other passages could yield?” He asked Whetstone.


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Micronus shrugs.

“I can change it, if I want. Just felt like paying myself a visit, is all.”


“No. This is fine. Anyway, the reason I came here is because a lot of people think I might be the next prime due to some recent events. I thought I might as well be proactive about the idea and get advice from the original 13 on how to properly handle the role.”

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Auros got up and bid Beta Maxx a good day before he went to continue exploring the ship. Eventually, he finds his way to the lab and decides to check it out.

He sees the log and, out of curiosity, tries to play it.

Micronus nods.

“Not a bad idea, 's far as those go,” he compliments.

“Anywho, my two cents’d have to be something about unity or somesuch. There’s only so much a bot can do all by their lonesome, after all; it took Thirteen demigods and a legion or two to kill Unicron, for example.”

The log projects a hologram of a female Cybertronian Knight speaking to the camera.

“Good news,” she says, “Amalgamous’ T-cog transplant was a success. Sure, eighteen alt-modes isn’t quite close to nigh-infinity, but still… eighteen. By the Allspark…”

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“That is something good to keep in mind. Even I couldn’t have gotten the Star Saber without help.”

Micronus snaps his fingers and nods.


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“Thank you, very much. Finally, could you possibly recommend who I should talk to next?”

“Hmm… let’s see…” Micronus mutters to himself.

He probably doesn’t want to be disturbed… I’m pretty sure he’s drunk… again… maybe she wouldn’t mind… hm. Maybe Alpha Trion…”

“The wisest of the primes. A great idea. Thank you for your time.”

“That must’ve been painful in so many ways for him.” Auros muttered, trying to imagine what was going through Amalgamous’s mind upon discovering how limited he was and the sacrifice he made for his home and people.