Transformers: Universal Devistation

“So how did it go?”

“Can I come with you?”



She smiled and followed him.

The CR chamber door opened and Maximus stumbled out.
“Oh man… I just had the weirdest dream. It was really depressing.”

“Don’t you know? The dreams are pretty depressing this day.”

“Uh… right. Anyway, what happened? I remember fighting Galvatron, and then Axis got shot… and then everything went white…”

“Sadie, tell him everythig.”
She went to her room.

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“But I don’t know what happened either!”

She was already in her room. She was trying to speak with british accent.
“Hello? Heellllooooo! Ha! That’s too cool!”

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Direwolf exited the craft.

Axis followed him out. Maximus exited the ship, and saw the thousands of bots outside.
“What the? Who are you people? Why are you here?”
He looked to Direwolf.
“Dude. I need help. What the heck is going on here.”

G: “Why are this bots here?”

“Those are you subjects. Your Higness,” he replied with a hint of disdain.

“Didn’t you see them following us on the way here?”

“Subject? Highness? Wait, so I beat Galvatron? How? I’m having some memory issues right now.”

“You did, and you’re king.”

“No… Ha! I am a dumb!”

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“Oh… Well uh, you can fill me in on the detail later.”
Maximus found a large rock to stand on.
“Attention people of Animatron! My name is Maximus Primal! While I am the one who killed Galvatron… I am not your king…”

Song exit from the ship.
“G! Hear me… Oh… Hi!”

Direwolf tried to shuffle off.

The crowd was alive murmurs and discussion.
“I am not fit for this role, but I know someone who is.”
He gestured for Dire to come over to him.

OOC: Gotta go. Be back in about half an hour.