TTV MB-Verse: Displaced (RP sign ups)

If you on my side, why do you introduce a new character?

I want to keep the RPG running for a little longer though, I donā€™t like seeing RPs die, to be honest I brought it back

Accepted. Join anytime.

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Since you ā€œbrought it backā€ there were less than 15 replies.

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This seems really cool and mostly not dead, so Iā€™ll make a character.

Name: Diero

Gender: Male

Appearance: A relatively tall person with dirty blonde hair and an average, if soft, build. Heā€™s often mistaken for a college student.

Personality/bio: Diero has lived a relatively normal life, even though his schooling was strange due to being in the Gifted and Talented program for most of it. He has a few close friends, and those who do know him think of him as a very kind person. Heā€™s stressed by his darker impulses, and has some trouble opening up to people due to his recent onset anxiety. He also holds himself to unnecessarily high standards of perfection. His hobbies are anime, Magic; The Gathering, Dragonball Fighterz, and YouTube.

Name: Black

Gender:(programming) Male

Appearance: Goku Black from Dragonball Super
Personality: Basically like Goku Black, only replace his hatred for mortals with imperfection. He judges people harshly, and doesnā€™t care if he offends anyone who doesnā€™t understand his problems.

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Accepted. Join anytime.