Umarak the forester

This is my very first post on TTV. Here is one of my MOCs, which once was an entry for “Legends and infamy” contest that was held on BS01 (maybe someone even remembers it). If someone do not know, target of the contest was to create an exsisting character, but affiliated to another side. So, this is kind of a good guy Umarak.

About the model itself: it is not very good MOC in terms of construction, but when i was building it, my priority was to show that he is actually a good guy. Those are the ways i tried to do it:
-legs are not demonic (and without claws)
-wings instead of horns on head
-golden piecies of armor (color that is usually affiliated with good guys in G2)
-Different sword
Please, say in comments if he really looks as a good guy.

Even as a forester, he is still an excellent bowman.

But he can fight in a meele, though.

He always has some herbs with him, in case he meet some rahi (or just animals, if saying in okotan :wink:) who needs healing.

Arrows, sheath, sword, and bow. Bow actually fires, but not very far.

Without necklace, redesigned chest armor is clearly seen, it is just a remake of his original one, though.

More photos and details of consturction here.
Criticism and recomendatoins are appreciated.


Ohh this is a slick revamp, good job!


I quite like the chest face, though I’m not sure how well it fits a ‘good’ Umarak. The bow is amazing, too.


Hang on, what?

That’s epic. I’ve never heard of that before in a MOC.

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