Ven's Custom Painted Mask Shop

I find that spray paint works the best on things that get handled a lot. Problem is that if the arms bend the paint will likely crack, that or it won’t stick on without the use of primer.

■■■■■■■■ came in and the mask list has been updated! Place your orders asap!


still no luck on onepu/jaga purple?

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Hey, Ven.

Would you be able to link or name the paints you used for Mata Blue and Metru Red?

If you’re still looking for a Pearl Gold paint, somebody suggested a good one (which I’ve tested) in the comments of my paints topic.



Me:Oh yeah, black 08 Miru here I come-
Me:Oh… Purple 16 Mask of Ice here I c-
Ven: Unavailable…
Me:But it costs so much to send you my own one. I even bought one off my friend for £2. WHY, cruel world?!
But how much more would I cost? I don’t see anything in the pricing section about order in masks?


I can order the masks for you if you’re prepared to pay for the down payment.

I mixed paints for mata blue, but for metru red I use a spray paint from Home Depot.

Not at the moment, haven’t really looked into it.


Thanks, Ven :slight_smile:

I’ll look into car paints that match blue. They work suprisingly welll :stuck_out_tongue:

Regarding Onepu purple, it’s very hard to find and I wouldn’t recommend searching for a match unless you stumble upon it. Mixing it would probably save you a lot of time.

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would it work to put a spider man or symbiotie spider on a nuva chest?

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Yeah, that should be possible. The only problem would be where to put it. Because of the pinhole in the middle of the chestplate. Your best chance would be to put it on one of the breastplate strips.

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can you try to stock a few masks of creation cus i want to create a artaka moc

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HEEEYO!!! what did i just do? Do you have any tips on painting marbled colors (counting transparent pieces.) I’ve attempted to do that but failed.


I can stock up on a mask of creation if you are willing to pay for the mask before I order it.

Perhaps paint with a bit of extra water? Like, I’m thinking you would drop a bit of watery white paint with a bit of watery red, hypothetically of course, let them blend together on the surface of the mask, and leave it to dry. It’s hard to explain, and I’m not too sure how I would go about it myself, but that’s definitely an interesting thought.


Hey Ven, any chance you’ll get some Ignika’s soon from bricklink? If not, would sending you one work? I’m considering making an order involving an ignika and saw that one was unavailable.


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Sending me one would be best to make it less costly for the both of us.


citadel auric gold is close to pearl gold

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At last, my li’l yellow boi is complete.

I definitely got my money’s worth here—highly recommended and I know I’ll be buying again. :smile:


Hey Ven, have you given any thoughts about painting parts in dark gold?

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I haven’t yet looked into getting the paint that matches it, but it’s definitely an idea that’s been tabled for a while.


To anyone who has a current mask request in the works, I ask that you all be a bit more patient with me for the time being. As the holiday season approaches, I have been getting a lot more hours at work, as well as a fair share of other priorities to attend to. That said, I haven’t really had too many moments to be able to sit down and just paint, so some requests have been taking a while to fulfill.

On November 9th, I’ll have to stop taking requests for the time being until my schedule clears up a good bit. You are all more than welcome to send in requests before that date, and I will get them done as soon as possible.

Apologies for the delays, and thanks to all you guys for fueling this little hobby for me.


Oh god…

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Why no more requests ?