Well Little Johnny

Well it’s 4, now you try 2*2 now that’s to really now that.

Is Thanos going to faces Godzilla?


I don’t know but holy crap would I pay to see that.

Why is Transformers Energon so bad?


If you were old enough to go on TFWiki you would know.

Why am I not allowed to watch Imagination Movers?

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Johnny I not know how there invisible boxes in your room, but no.

Are clowns, bad people?

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Son, clowns are only as bad as you make them.
See, they absorb your fear, the more fear, more
Evil they are. Only you can stop bad clowns by
Preventing forest fires.

Is Santa real?

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No, But smokey the bear is.

Have you seen the marvelous breadfish?

Johnny, we’ve ate breadfish, with some crabs and nice hint of key lime.

How is Batman, and why he only appears at night?

I was expecting an interesting looking, obscure specimen of marine life, but all I got was a meme.

he is the supreme edgelord.

Because he’s so edgy, he’s allergic to sunlight. It gives him hives.

If a war ax and a war hammer are a thing, then why isn’t a war pickax?

Well little johnny, becouse miners don’t fight

What is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?

I didn’t even have to look this one up I’m so nerdy. It’s a disease caused by the inhalation of microscopic dust from volcanos.

Where do babies come from?

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They come from eggs, silly.

Where do eggs come from?

Chickens of course!!!
Where do chickens come from?

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Which came first?

What is the capital of san francisco?

Johnny, San Fran is a city not a state.

Can You called Emperor Johnny?

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Johnny, please speak in grammatically correct sentences.

Have you ever wondered why are we here?

Because we have nothing better to do.

Why is the basement talking?

Becouse it i’s a free country and the basement can say whatever it wants.

Who created galidor?

A genius, a true genius. Why? Because it’s still talked about to this day.

Why do Zebras have stripes?

So they don’t get confused with white hoses.

Why do Tigers also have stripes?