What Are Your Catchphrases?

“Not with that attitude.” I’ve picked this one up from a coworker.

However, I’m more infamous for the following.

“First, you start with the chicken. Then you baste it in chicken. Get some more chicken, put some chicken on it, shove it in a chicken.Rub it around while thinking about the chicken inappropriately. Then, you take some gravy. Gravy’s made from chicken; shoulda mentioned that. You know what else? Chicken.”


That sounds delicious.

“Sorry, I have autism” is my new one this summer. In the same vein, “I have autism, what’s your excuse?”

but it’s usually as a joke; in general I really don’t like using my disability as an excuse.

mine is ‘they’re not technically wrong’. usually in reference to something someone said.

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I forgot what I was looking for… Which is not conducive towards finding it.

Well, that went well (always said when something did not go well).

I don’t know what I’m doing. In other news, the sky is round.

I know what I’m doing. And other lies I tell myself.

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Bada bing bada boom I resurrect this (blank) from its doom






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As of lately, I’ve found myself frequently using the “Huh. Neat.” from Dorkly’s sonic videos.

Also, announcing my intention to do things as “committing” them. For example, getting dressed is now “committing clothes”, and leaving my room to eat lunch is “committing lunch”, etc.


We live in a society

“Welp, I’mma leave before this gets any more awkward.”

Usually helps diffuse the situation a bit.

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