What elements would you have liked to see?

I would have loved to see a Toa with control over friction. Like, if a bad guy runs at them, they could just lower the friction under their feet so that the baddie would just slide by. Or they could increase the friction on their hands to climb walls.


That’d probably be a cool mask power, too.


That’s a good idea. Mind if I use it for one of my MOCs masks?


I had a super-OP RPC who could do that.

Unfortunately the LMB Bionicle RP was filled with those who didn’t understand friction and he did absolutely nothing :stuck_out_tongue:

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No prob, Bob.

Thanks man.

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Less likely but Technology.

And finally the element of Death.

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That’s always been a cool power to have. It maybe possible through some combination of the elements of iron, lightning, and magnetism.


There is always the Mask of Biomechanics…


I would’ve loved to see a Toa with the power of vaccum


I believe that any toa of air can control vacuum.


Yep, there are certain “powers” which fall under elemental umbrellas, as it were.

Heat Vision falls under Fire, Vaccum under Air.

A lot of Kraata Powers full under umbrellas too, but not all of them.


Only skilled ones.


Elements I would want to see:Gravity,Lightning and Iron.

As a new twist that has never been put into official Mataverse canon, I would have loved to see Toa with Kraata powers.


I actually made a MOC of a Toa of Iron who also has light powers. His name is Silvana and I’m using him in a fan fiction bionicle book

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Little late to the party, but I got to thinking. When you have such a fine and minute control over something, the applications could be endless. For instance, if you had control over gravity not only could you essentially make yourself fly (Strengthen the gravitational pull forwards and lessen it behind you.) but you can kinda torture your enemies. (think slowly increasing field of gravity crushing your arms, and then your legs, and then your chest.) If your control was extremely focused, I bet that you could even create a black hole inside somebody, and just as quickly close it up.

The same kind of thinking applies to almost every elemental power.

Aside from this, I really want sonics to return. Again, the possibilities are astonishing when you can control sound.

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I want to see the element of Aluminum Foil, so one could protect themselves from the illumakuta!

But, in all seriousness, why not alluminum foil?
Or why not:

  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Diamond

Or why not the ability to terraform objects into metal? Or un-terraform?

These powers would be unstoppable!

And, that’s why I want Aluminum foil to be an element :smiley:


You stole some of my Self-Character’s moves…


Self-Characters to use black holes: Ekorak, Silver, Rai, Ekorak Gen2 uses a move similar to a black hole, but it’s actually just a cube that can be deleted from reality.

@Kretta Actually, it would be more unstoppable if you use Fear. Think about it, if you had the ability to control, create, and solidify fears, you would be completely unstoppable. Someone charging you? Just solidify their worst fear in front of them, and they’ll leave you alone. If their worst fear is an event? Make it happen. It’s completely unbeatable.

Another personal element I use is Technology, for Ekorak Gen2, which is also unbeatable to most normal elements. Once again, someone’s charging you? Summon a turret and send them to their doom. Want to just repel and not kill? We got that too. Want to imprison someone until you free them? Coming right up. Heck, in my story more advanced Tech users can manipulate the real world as if it were a computer, summoning anything and everything they need.


Yeah, I can’t think of anyone to have that power coughIrnakkcough coughTurahkcough Someone with that power could never be defeated!

(just making it clear, I’m saying this as a joke)