What made Hero Factory GREAT?

Yeah, you’re right.
It replaced BIONICLE so it sucks.
It sucks very much.



…Uh…Matoro do you know of the alphabet???


My favorite line in hero factory was Brain Attack, mainly because of the set designs

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You good sir…are a fan of good ogres…I liked brain attack as well…but the Episode was not to my liking…I have seen it 100 times…


The only part about that episode that stuck out too much as being really bad was the dialogue in the fight between Surge and Breez. Seemed ridiculously done.


Well that’s a durn shame.


Yea…but I did not like all the Brain jokes…

@Risebell well…YOU BURNED FURNO!


The new system, the homages to Bionicle, some awesome sets, some cool characters. It’s just that Hero Factory was very childish, there was no continuous story, Invasion from Below just sucked so much (shut up Meso, name one good thing about IFB), and that, well, it wasn’t Bionicle.


I respect your opinions but uh…IFB had some good sets…and the art style was cool…also HOW IS “NOT BEING BIONICLE” A PROBLEM!!!

Three answers. #1, Nostalgia, #2, parody of Nostalgia, and #3, preference for fantasy universe and less tongue-in cheek humor. I’m assuming it’s the last thing.

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I understand but it does not make sense. it is like you walk up to a person and tell him “I hate you cuz you are not someone else”…tell me HOW DOES THAT MAKE SENSE!!!

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Little history lesson.

BIONICLE’s tone was that of an epic story, on the scale of Lord of the Rings, intermixed with elemental powers and sci-fi elements. It appealed to older fans who enjoyed the story and to younger fans who liked seeing the epic fights.

Hero Factory’s story relied on simplistic plots (Heroes are clearly good guys, Villains are clearly bad guys, Hero beats villain, end story) and tongue-in-cheek humor. Fun for younger people, but to older fans, which is what the G1 BIONICLE fandom currently consists of, it’s a letdown compared to BIONICLE’s complex story and characters.


I understand all that…but I do not like how people hate on HF because it is not Bionicle. I like Bionicles story from G2 more then G1 cuz I like having wiggle room for MY OWN stories…and I can understand why people may not like the episodes…

That’s quite a good reason, although there seems to be a choice to be made between freedom for your own stories, as is the case in BIONICLE G2 and HF, and enjoyment of the story itself, as in BIONICLE G1. Although plenty of people have made room for their stories in G1, usually by setting it after the main story.


That’s not why most people dislike HF, sure it was the spark that lit the fuse but most people dislike it for the reasons Mr. @Hawkflight listed.


I like to make my own because I know I can make ten times better stories then Lego can and I have made a G1 story a couple years ago…it failed due to my lack of knowlege…and I can see what you mean with the enjoyment of the official story. I read the 06 to 09 books last fall and even if I knew how they ended they were still enjoyable. and then there is the HF episodes…sigh …when they came out they were awesome…too me. and I rewatched a few yesterday after I watched TLR…I liked both but I like the Bionicle Movies due the darker edge and that is something I like in my stories, even if I did not write them. I like the tone of WoS and the books more then that of HF BECAUSE of the darker edge to them…and I admit I do not “hate Bionicle” I like it a lot…I just like HF more due to how open it is. same goes for bionicle G2…

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Except that raises the question do you really like Hero facory or do you like the stories you made?

Both, I like HF just fine as is. but then I can make whatever I want with it as well…

I’m not going to retort to keep this on topic :slight_smile:

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That would be wise…you also do not want me blowing up the planet.

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