What Shonen anime universe would you put your MOCs in?

I was just thinking about the influence Anime has had on my MOCs/characters and just thought about what Anime I’d put Bertram into. I’d consider One Piece even though I’m not super into the manga or anime, but Bertram is already a pirate with over the top powers. But then I think about My Hero Acedemia (which I love) which has such a colorful universe and pretty much any character concept and design can fit in. Hunter X Hunter is also very colorful.

What about you?


My self moc khaosia would probably be dragon ball due to being very powerful and having a beast form (three headed dragon.) as for my sub self moc kovlaw maybe my hero academia since his mecha theme would probably fit as a support class hero.

Personally, I’d throw my self-MOC character into YGO as it’s a franchise I enjoy and I think, and kinda just saying it because there have been crazier things in the series, the design could work as a character or card.

Might put Tarkur my self moc in Mobil suit Gundam I bet he make a great “mech”/“Battlesuit” in that universe or he’d be an stand alone character of sorts I don’t know how that would work but hey screw it. I can do whatever I want.

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I think a lot of Mocs could work as Yugioh monsters.


All of them except Dragon Ball cause fanart

What do you mean?

Fair point.

Come to think of it, FMA would be interesting to see Bionicle themed characters in.

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too much nsfw stuff

hmm some of these could be stands for jjba

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