What Year did You Become a Fan?


That would’ve been dark. XD



Plot twist: The energized protodermis melted the Toa Mata. New Toa were made to replace the Mata: the Toa Nuva. They adopted the names of their predecessors.

Double Plot twist: The Ignika killed Tahu Nuva and resurrected Tahu Mata.


Doesn’t really explain why the Toa Nuva has the same personalities and memories as their predecessors, though.

NSA Mind Control.


I became interested in late 2003, but my first set was Ehrye, so I suppose it was very early 2004. That didn’t stop me from getting almost every set from 2001-2003 though!

We discussed this topic during the latest TTV episode!



2007 with the Toa Mahri, Jaller and Hewkii being my first sets.

I got my first set, Vorahk, in either '03 or '04, but I didn’t get into the story until '05/'06, when I started getting the comics.

Surprised I haven’t commented on this yet… technically I became a fan of the technic sets around the time of Slizers/Throwbots… so probably Bionicle around the same time. Though I started getting into the toys more when it reached the first movie.

I first became a fan on my 9th birthday, mom got me Toa Iruini and Toa Norik. And the rest is history, I started reading the comics and watching the movies, playing the games, etc.


Yeah, I was very late to it. ^^;

I’d have to say 2004. Although, I really started collecting in 2005, and got interested in the story in 2006.

I’ve been a fan since the beginning. I guess I’m cool now??
Anyway, I was first introduced to Bionicle when I found a McToran in my Happy Meal (I was 6 or 7 years old at the time.) After that, I bought a couple sets a year and read all of the various comics and books throughout the life of Bionicle until it ended in 2010. Bionicle is my childhood

I started in 2004 and my first set was Vakama. I started really getting into it in 2005. I got my first comic in 2005. My brother was the one who got me invested in bionicle. He was a fan from 2001 to 2005. If he had not gotten me into bionicle, I would be a very different person. I would be less imaginative, less interested in reading, and a more anxious person. Bionicle has helped me get through many tough points in my life.

2087, Yep, I’m a time traveller.


As for TTV, 2012 on ITunes for what I can remember. God I loved it.

I lived a carefree life listening to TTV.


Well its a little bit complicated, but I actually discovered BIONICLE through my cousin, who liked LEGO and had some Bohrok, which he would let us (me and my brother) play with. But I actually got my first set in 2006, who was no other than Hakann. I loved Hakann. I remember playing with it 24/7. He’s still assembled to this day, and I don’t think I’ll disassemble him ever again (since I got another one). As for the story, I probably started getting into it about in 2008 by reading the comics and watching the movies.

Also, those Bohrok that my cousin had now belong to me (half are my brother’s, but it sounds cooler by only naming myself :slight_smile: )

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2001 baby! I got Kopaka as a gift and that started the chain reaction to get me where I am as a fan today :smile:

I started in 2006, after locating a Zaktan happy meal at McDonalds, and my sister giving me the Matoro happy meal. A bit later, my family was walking through a discount grocery store, and I saw some Inika canisters. I got Kongu and Hewkii, and thus my life was changed.

And as for TTV? I became a fan sometime around two years ago, and created Toa Ekorak Youtube account a year later to give my opinions at will.

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I started out in 2001 with Matoro,Lewa,Gali and Kopaka, so I could make Waihura or whatever it’s name was. I really got into the whole story about 2004-2005ish, got most of the sets and was a huge fan then and I still am today.

For TTV though, I started watching their videos when the first Biocraft stuff was released.