Where Have You Found Old BIONICLE Sets?

I can buy a completely sealed Metru Onewa for 8 bucks. The same freaking price as in 2004…but I want to buy Umarak now so Im conflicted.

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So in my town they have a flea market every weekend. I went (over the course of a few weeks) and found
-Tahu Nuva
-Lewa Nuva
-Kopaka Nuva
-Random yellow RoboRider

The Team With Personality (as Lewa Nuva put it) were missing a few pieces, but Bricklink solved that easily enough. All of the Bohrak except Kohrak came with canisters and clips, and only Tahnok was missing a Krana (again, thanks Bricklink.)


I have found a lot of old sets through a selling service called Blocket which is a site where people can put up ads on stuff they have that they want to sell.

I have also bought some sets at a store called ModelTeam were they sell mainly old Lego sets including old Bionicle sets.

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I really like looking for sets at flea markets
but for sets like titan mata nui or the 06 titans ebay

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What the - there’s legitimately one of those within walking distance of where I live. I’m going there tomorrow. This is awesome!

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I found parts of a mangled Tahu, Onua, Kopaka, PoE, PoI, Lewa, and a bunch of HF sets in my school.

I actually took Kopaka’s printed torso armor to finish my own Kopaka :stuck_out_tongue:

One time in 2010, my family had taken a trip to India, and on the last day of our trip, we happened to go into a small local toy shop. Inside, we found these sets sealed for original price (there may have been more, but I can’t remember):

  • Tahu Mata
  • Gali Mata
  • Whenua Hordika
  • Visorak Boggarak
  • King Mathias (2004)
  • Cyber Saucer (UFO)
  • Alien Avenger (UFO)
  • Scorpion Detector (Exploriens)

My brother and I were ecstatic. :stuck_out_tongue: We ended up picking up 2 Tahus, 2 Galis, a Cyber Saucer, and a Scorpion Detector. ‘Twas a great find. :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve always heard non-garage garage sales referred to as “rummage sales”. My brother bought all the Bohrok and five of the Toa Maya from one at our school. Besides that, though, the only other ti.e I’ve scene Bionicle at one was a youth group rummage sale where I found an almost-complete Stars Rahkshi.

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Where did you find this? In what city?

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It’s been 10 years, but I think it was New Delhi. I wouldn’t be able to tell you much more, I’m afraid.

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Nice find :smiley:



I’ve had so many dreams of finding BIONICLE sets at thrift stores that I can’t even count them. They were so freaking real that when I woke up I was so sure that I had them that when I realized I didn’t, I was heartbroken.

I had a dream where I went to a Target in current days and found a near mint Tarakava and it felt so real. I was pissed when I realized it never happened.

I still hope however to walk into a dollar store, a flea market, or a thrift store and find something. Especially a G1 set I never had and I missed quite a few.


i guy close to my age has a stand at my town flea market and collected almost all the g1 sets and is selling them now. he has sets from 2001-2008. i swing by every couple weeks to check for anything new. he still has a lot that he has to sort through to bring but thanks to him i have been able to, for a very good price, complete my toa mata and start my toa inka set again and hopfully find some other goodies soon

I once found a sealed Turaga Nokama at a Second and Charles, I remember I glanced over at where they had Legos for sale, they were all overpriced modern sets but I glanced down and saw almost laying on the floor a relic from the time before time amidst all these modern sets. I bought it and it is currently my oldest Lego set I own.

I feel like I saw a Zesk in the equipment room of my elementary (or maybe upper elementary?) school gym.

Honestly, It could very well have been a dream, though.

my great aunt’s house.

In my basement.

Nowhere, though I’ve had plenty of dreams of the sort. I’m pretty sure the only BIONICLE sets I didn’t get at a licensed LEGO store were Kopaka Mata and Guurahk (from a kid who lived next to me quite some time ago) and Gahlok, Lehvak, and Kohrak, gifted to me by some person I barely remember c. 2005 or so. That’s pretty much as good as it gets, though.

got an incomplete malum and a rahkshi stars for pretty cheap at a retro toy convention once
oh yeah saw one of the lego masters too