Whoever Comes Up With the Worst Terrible Joke DIES!!!

same. Is that an automatic death?

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Nah, you can participate in the next round, it’s cool

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What did the skeleton say to the zombie.

Zombies don’t exist you idiot. skeletons can’t even talk. Go get mental help.


I mean, we haven’t quite started the next round yet, but if you’d like that to be your joke I’ll accept it, but this is your one chance to change it for the next round! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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that sounds odly familiar… :thinking:

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What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor? “Oh I lost my tractor!”

What did the tractor say when he lost his farmer? Nothing tractors don’t talk.

Two fish were in a tank. One turned and said the the other fish “do you have any idea how to drive this thing?”

What do frogs eat at restaurants?

French flies.

What do you call a kid with a stutter, prosthetic leg and a weird eye?


Why did Jimmy fall off the swing?

Because Jimmy was a fish.

What do you a call a guy with no legs or arms lying on the door step?



Yeah we still haven’t started the next round. Also, that’s a lot of jokes.

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This is a long one, so stick around. Bowls is a Native American chief of a made-up tribe. He hasn’t perfected his knowledge of the English language. One day, some settlers decide to build a bridge through his camp. He decides to visit a lawyer, but because he can’t read, ends up going to a doctor. “Bowls won’t move!” The doctor hands him some pills and says, “Take one every day for a week and see me then.” In a week, Bowls come back with the same problem. “Bowls won’t move!” The doctor gave him a different medicine, and told him the same thing. The third week Bowls comes back and says, “Bowls gotta move! Hut too full of crap!”


Just pick one and kill me. Please.

@ReeseEH is dead
@Calebmar12 is not

What is a joke?

something @ToaNoah_Wafflemeister doesn’t have


What is brown and sticky

a stick


What do you call a bag with no handles?

I don’t know

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Wanna hear a joke?

me too

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What do crippled ginger bread men use to walk?

A candy cane.


What do you call a dinosaur that works in a circus?

A ‘carny’saur!


What is brown and bad for your dental health?

A baseball bat


What do you call a human with a pair of matches?

Smokey’s worst nightmare.

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0 voters

Sorry about being really late on this one, guys.

Looks like I’m a little late.

What do you call a bike with a rabid dog on it? A vicious cycle.


Yiay, i lost one turn

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