Words of Wisdom/ Your Two Cents/ Penny for Your Thoughts Topic

This topic exists for you to say what you think needs to be said. Obviously, it still must adhere to the board rules, but beyond that, post whatever you feel needs to be said. Unless it was said by someone else. We already have the quote topic for that. So, just post stuff that you think.

“We all thirst for truth. To me, it seems, the way to find truth is to put whatever you believe currently on the proverbial chopping block. Study it. Question it to the breaking point. If it breaks, it isn’t truth. Then, ruling no option out, find something else that could be truth, and do the same thing again. Do this until you find a truth that doesn’t break. That will be true truth.”- Me, right now.


If we all de-idiot proofed everything then the idiots would die and the world would be a better place.


You’re not wrong.

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When you screw up on something, don’t worry about the fact that you made it. It has happened. What has been done cannot be undone. What you need to do is focus on how you will make the situation better, and how you won’t make the same mistake again.


When posting a meme, make sure to crop out all watermarks so as not to be ridiculed by the friends you share it with


When you talk about memes, you better use oneadis :v

“Everything is Connected.” - Tesla Effect

Ma life!


I got some more words of wisdom
MSPaint is the best drawing tool and never let anyone tell you otherwise
Playing in traffic is a good idea
Eat the peices


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.
If you can dodge a tactical nuke, you’re cheating.


Always check the floor for Lego pieces, it will save you some pain.


If you get an ad called “The ____ Method”, it will always be a scam.

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Never let little kids play with your legos.

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I sense that you have a story to tell…

News coverage does not necessarily reflect accuracy.


A thought that has come across my mind recently,
What is worse? The existence of an evil in the world? Or the idea that it could?


What’s worse, having a squirrel or a snake in your pants?
Why do “thaw” and “unthaw” mean the same thing?



Although it might seem fun, never strike Norway with 5000 nukes.

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Don’t let your memes be dreams

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I’ll make a note to use only 49999, then.