2059: The superhero revolution (RP topic)

Christine scoffed. “Shame.” She said, pulling the trigger and shooting Elias square in the chest.

She indeed pulled him with her but Bruce got up and held Katrina high above him.
“Haha, you’ll have to do better than that.” he told her. (@meepinater)

Nexus looks outside the window, beside him, a bit far away was Black Hood sleeping.
He sighed and took out a picture, with his wife, daughter and himself. Memories of his past came to him again as he remembered when they went to the beach in sunny days such as this one…the thought of it brought him pain worse than hell-fire itself.
“The only way to get my family back is to kill Spider-Man.,” he said as he flew and then flew out of the base.
“And I will!” Nexus said.

Connor got out of school and was making his way back home.
Man what a day.” Impulse spoke.
“You can say that again.” Connor agrees.
I know it’s been hard, but, we’ll get through it.” Impulse ensured him.
“What if I don’t?” Connor asked.
You will, and if you don’t I’ll be there to make sure you do so.” Impulse replied.
Connor sighed. “Fair enough.”

Elias staggers back, blood spreading from his wound. “S-sorry…” he gasped out.
He collapsed to the ground, dead.

Katrina , and she splashed some water at Bruce.

Bruce threw her into the water and splashed at her with water as well. “This is no challenge, I’m clearly winning.” he teased. (@meepinater)

“Oh?” Katrina asked, as she attempted to push Brucr down.

Katrina’s attempt into pushing him down worked as he was in the water, and he did get back up.
He was swimming under the water making him practically invisible as he swam in circles but distant around Katrina.

Katrina smiled.
“Get back here!” She began swimming towards him, trying to catch him.

Her attempt failed unfortunately, as he then swam behind her and got up and tried to tipt her with his leg to make her fall.
“Surprise.” he said out of nowhere.

Katrina yelped in suprise, falling facefirst in the water.

Before she could fall Bruce reacted fast enough to catch her.
“I got you.” he said holding her, looking into her eyes lovingly as he then kissed her passionately.

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Sadie squirmed as she finally snapped, rushing towards Christine in a blind rage as she sent a hailstorm of shadow spikes, blades, and anything else flying at her While Sadie herself formed large claws and slashed at her in all directions.

Christine’s ring glowed, and Sadie and her shadow spikes were shoved back and pinned against the wall. Christine disapprovingly wagged her finger. “I would highly suggest against that if you wish to keep your life.” She warned.
Richard conflictedly looked between Sadie and Christine. “I’ll come back for you, Sadie. I promise.” He said as he ran away with Mark’s body, escaping. I’ll worry about him later… Christine thought to herself. She shot Sadie with a tranquilizer dart, knocking her out.

Sadie squirmed on the wall, glaring at her “I’ll rip your spine out and shove it back down your digusting throat you worthless pe…” she screamed before she was knocked out by the dart.

Marcus walked off, he saw the civilians he walked among them, seeing himself as superior

Ted felt like crying, he was the only current figure of good

“Melissa!” He called, almost immediately, a girl walked up to him
“Guess what I can do!” She smiled
“Melissa?” Ted asked “But you’re a c-c-”
“Car?” She asked “I can ■■■■■■■■■■, now let’s call Janet!”
“No!” Ted grimaced “Just because you look human, doesn’t mean you understand us!”
“Wow!” Melissa sighed “You love her, she loves you, get back together or something!”
“That’s not how it works!” Ted yelled
“You should be more grateful!” Melissa smirked “My old master died and so did your besties, the least you could do is speak to your wife, before you y’know, kick the bucket!”
“Kick the bucket?” Asked Ted “Listen, just because you know talking Model T’s it doesn’t mean I…” Melissa raised her eyebrow “Fine be like that, you win, Janet Joice’s it is”
“Your wish is my command!” Melissa smirked, she shapeshifted back into a car, Ted opened her door and they drove to Janey’s house

“DAD!” Lilly yelled as soon as she saw Ted
“Ummm, hi Lilly?” Ted smirked
“You’ve been gone too long!” Lilly smirked “Mom talks about you all the time, Stephen really wants to see you, and you should see what little Millie’s li-”
“Yeah okay, why are you here though?” Ted asked “Don’t you have your own home?”
“Well, Mom wants us round, she really misses you” She stopped and called her mom “Hey Mom, Ted’s back!”
“Oh really?” Janey asked “That’s good”
“You miss me?” Ted asked
“Well yeah, you’re my dad!” Lilly smiled

Harry looked at a planning station he’d built, he was planning a war
“What is this?” Millie asked
“The war!” Harry replied
“What will Jordan say?” Millie asked
“At first?” Harry asked “None too happy, but then…”
“Then what?” Millie yelled “You’re gonna get him in on your war?”
“Precisely, think of it, Commander V Jordan!” Harry smiled
“He’ll hate this!” Millie screamed
“At first yes” Harry sighed “But Jordan will understand in time, in fact he knows already that there will be a war!”
“Against who?” Millie asked
“Your grandpa, Marcus has gone insane” Harry sighed “He wants to help Black Hood”
“I don’t believe it!” Millie started to cry
“If you don’t believe it then he will be like Kyro all over again, only worse, Marcus was a hero, he knows about the CIA!” Harry snarled

Jordan sat down on his chair in his office and started to smoke and drink some coffee as he watched the news.
“We got 'em good, now they’re behind bars without the Mobs, these criminals will be behind bars in no time,” he said resting his feet on his desk.

Connor felt like getting out so he finished his homework and Impulse wrapped the suit around him and he was Spider-Man.
But before he could go his TV played the news, informing him of the battle took place between some heroes against Black Hood and Nexus.
“Hey that’s that fire guy,” he said pointing to the TV.
No crap, Sherlock.” Impulse said sarcastically.
“Hey language,” Connor said.
Wha-what? You’ve gotta be kidding me…” Impulse sighed.
“Alright let’s go,” Spider-Man said jumping off the window and swung through the City.

Nexus was unto of a building and looked around.
“Where could this kid be?” he asked himself. “He couldn’t be that hard to find,” he said as he started to fly around.

Katrina embraced the kiss, before splashing some more water at Bruce.

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The water hit him in the face he sighed. “Come on, you had to ruin the moment!” he said.

“I guess we’ll have to try again.” Katrina replied.

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“Well then…” Bruce said pulling her closely to him by the waist, as he stroked her face gently and kissed her again lovingly.

Katrina embraced the kiss, holding Bruce close to her as well.

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