Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra Discussion Topic

Glad I’m not the only one who thought that Book 2’s finale was grand.

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Yeah the Book 4 finale was quite lackluster.

I guess their budget was cut.

I totally agree with your analysis of the ATLA finale! It has a real feeling of conclusion that’s just so heartwarming and satisfying.

I sort of agree that LOK should’ve ended with the Book 2 plot, but I feel the plot might have to be tweaked in order to make it more “series finale” material. While Book 4’s finale didn’t have a concluding feeling either, I think Book 2 felt like a transition finale, what with the Spirits being welcomed back. TBH, the only LOK finale that really had a feeling of “conclusion” to me was Book 1. There were obviously more stories to tell, but unlike the other books, if the story had been dropped at that point, I would have been satisfied, because all of that season was tied together in the end. The others didn’t have that feeling. So, if Book 2 was the end, I think it would need to end on s more conclusive note, without loose ends.


Korra’s Book 4 budget was indeed cut. However, that didn’t have any effect on the finale.

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I wish they just brought the episode count for this season down to 12, cutting out the clip show episode.

You might wanna read that article I linked. It explains exactly why they decided to do a clip show. Even if they had “cut out the clip show”, it wouldn’t really have impacted the rest of the season.


Reading it now.

Ohhey, never saw the notification. .-.

I agree the show doesn’t have a main plot at that point, but why not? They could have had “rallying the troops” and negotiating alliances be a “filler” arc (which would be great for world building) or they could have moved Sozin’s Comet up and complicated the plot after that (maybe Sokka and Toph could get captured and Aang would have to learn to trust Zuko all on his own–how cool would that be?) Though iirc Nickelodeon interfered, which might be why things turned out the way they did.

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How would this work if they’re in the Fire Nation? They aren’t likely to find many allies there.

That would be an interesting plot. But how could the series go past Sozin’s Comet? It’s the ultimate crux of the firebenders’ (antagonists’) power. Or did you mean to say “Day of Black Sun”?

I never heard about this. What happened?

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Yeah, I was thinking they’d be wandering through some of the areas they went through previously, brokering deals to get troops and such. Most of that happened off-screen (though it could be argued that it’s more realistic that the adults would be the ones to do that kind of thing. :stuck_out_tongue: )



I don’t really remember; I just seem to recall something about Nickelodeon not being sure whether to give them 3 seasons or 4, and not deciding on 3 until too late. Don’t remember where I saw that or how valid it might be, but given Nick’s reputation, I wouldn’t be surprised if something went on. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, it was definitely worth it just to make a clipshow rather than dropping several of the crew. And tbh Remembrances isn’t a bad episode, heck it was pretty funny.

Yeah I get why they needed to do it.


So I never watched Korra past book 2
I remember book 2 being good
I don’t even remember the other books being released,
Where can I watch them?

If you have Amazon Prime you can.

You might be able to borrow them from a library or something.


oh right you’re in Canada.


The Boulder wishes to be a part of this discussion, but cannot think of anything to say, so instead, The Boulder will just make a joke about The Boulder.


I have a pretty decent vocal range, and one of my best abilities is imitating voices from different pieces of media. The Boulder is probably the easiest for me, and I do it pretty well…

(or at least that is what my Avatar-crazy sister has told me)

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