Conduit: Race for Power (RP Topic)

Rodian opens his notepad and writes in details he notices about the ceremonial structure.

“Hm.” He said, hands politely behind his back.

His jade glowed slightly, and Christine might have heard what might sound like someone rustling in the bushes behind her, trying to get through the ruins. “What was that?” Jeff asks.

Zablex tensed, “On the contrary, we have every reason to be here.” He said.

“One American Citizen to another, I would like to remind you that a fair number of us are adults and have the right to travel where we please to pursue our own interests.” He told her.

“Besides, what would that report say?” He asked, “That some folks with an anthropologist decided to visit this place and didn’t know that the CIA had their fingers in the pie?”

“Not very helpful and isn’t the CIA the Intelligence agency? I thought this sort of thing was the FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigations, or INTERPOL’s thing? What is the national emergency that would get your attention?” He asked.

His Conduit also began to glow; he was ready for if this lady drew a gun or tried to attack.

Rodian walked around the ceremonial ruins, completing a few laps. He was taking notes and was mostly oblivious to the CIA agent. Though as if it was a reaction to the other gemstones. His moonstone started to glow. He held up his pendulum to the night sky, gently swinging it around. He ripped off a page of scribbles, it was illegible and he decided he had no use for the page. It fell to the ground, seeming slower than one would expect.

“Fine, it seems like we’ll have to do this the hard way…” Christine’s diamond ring glowed, and a large beam of light obliterated a nearby tree, as if it were struck by lightning. Splinters flew everywhere, and the tree fell to Jeff’s feet. "What do you take me for? I know why you’re really here, but my reasons for being here still outweigh your own. The ring began to glow again. “Next time somebody defies me, it might be one of you instead of the tree.”

“Careful, Agent Warren,” Zablex said, his Skyrish accent slowly dropping, “Here’s a riddle for you: What do a Basilisk and a Gorgon have in common?”

The power of Zeus, all the more curious. He thought.

OOC: Maybe I described what Diamond can do a bit to vaguely…I mainly meant it could do a ‘force push’ sort of thing, like the Jedi can.

IC: Jeffrey scowled. “You know what I’m doing here, and yet you still try to stop me?” He asked. “I’ll have you know that force isn’t the only way to get through you.”

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Rodian closes his notepad and looks at the CIA agent. The splinters fell slowly around him. His moonstone pendant was glowing. He answered her rhetorical question,
“I take you for a nuisance. it’s hard to take notes on a ceremonial structure, when someone drops a tree.”
He easily grabs a splinter as it almost falls like a feather in the air.
“I guess we’re going to do this the hard way?”
Gravity around Christine started to feel heavier and the splinters, around Rodian, fell back to their normal gravity.

OOC: according to the PM you sent me: “Diamonds have the ability to create blasts of energy.” You never specified if the energy was invisible. I described it as a blast of light for better artistic representation

IC: “seriously, you need to take a chill pill.” Justin said to Christine. She struggled against Rodian’s gravity, but it wasalmost as though she were fake struggling to appear weak.

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Rodian looked over at Jeff,
“My power isn’t going to hold her down, completely, but it will hold her down. I would do something while she is slowed down.”

OOC: Oof, my bad. Sorry bout my miscommunication.

IC: Christine might hear a low volume, high pitch, shrill scream in the back of her head. “Sorry, but I can’t let you get in the way or research. It’s for the best these don’t fall into the hands of some of the people you work for.” The screaming would slowly start to increase in volume.

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“Let me help you there,” Zablex said, “Remember my riddle?”

He focused on the agent’s shoes and them fusing to the ground via petrification, just like he did with Jeff when his Conduit’s power was unlocked.

Jeff glances at him, and the sound Christine could hear would dim a bit. “Now maybe that’s a bit much…” He said. “Seems…well, she may be in our way, but going full cockatrice isn’t a good idea.” He said. “I think Rodian and I have it covered.”

“I can’t petrify her completely but keeping her in place is a good start and I could easily go for something else if need be.” Zablex said, “I did tell you I’d do something to protect myself if I felt threatened, I just never gave specifics about the means.” He said.

Rodain nodded. He kept his focus on Christine and nothing else. Focusing the flow of gravity around her to be heavier, it was always relative to the object he was affecting. The gravity he emitted was not enough to immobilize her, but it was strong enough to sloe her movements.

OOC: At that point it’s basically just opal. Better to have it be closer to a limited telekinesis, imo.

IC: Eliza hangs quietly in the back of the group. Contrary to the others, she didn’t feel like mouthing off to a government official. She did wonder what authority the CIA had in foreign land, but it wasn’t worth starting an argument. They could come back later.

Christine was visibly becoming more agitated and confused as she was bombarded with everyone’s powers. She suddenly pulled a gun out of her suit and aimed it at everyone. Justin’s eyes widened when he saw the firearm. He attempted to stop her. “Whoa, hang on-” a loud crack rang throughout the air. A gaping, bloody crater resided in his forehead. Justin stumbled backward, sprawling on the ground, smoke rising from the hole in his head.

OOC: Well that escalated quickly.

Eliza screams, flinching away from the deadly firearm. Without thinking she points at the gun, a beam of rainbow light lancing out to obliterate the weapon.

Zablex looked lividly. Ticked. Off. “You want to cause harm?” He yelled, no Skyrish accent present at all, focusing on her neck, specifically her spinal chord, “Then know but a fraction of what you caused!” He tries to petrify enough of her spine to ensure she isn’t gonna die but be fully parlyzed.

He moves to inspect Justin’s body. If he was dead, it would be a shame if the Conduit he had was left for some random passerby to claim and potentially abuse.

OOC: Be thankful he didn’t decide to try petrifying her heart; that is something that will hurt. A lot.

Jeff was shocked, to the point he lost focus and the noise stopped. He looked at her. “Wha-” He then looked back at and rushed over to Justin. “RODIAN GET OVER HERE NOW!!!” He exclaimed. “AND YOU WITH THE QUARTZ!!”

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