Cusp of a New Era: Stories of a Changing Time(RP Topic)

“So strange… not what I was taught…” He murmured.

Sarah lowered the knife. “Then what were ya taught?” She asks.

“Hm? What? Oh. Uh. I can’t really say… I, uh…” Lillan was clearly flustered.

“Why?” She asks, wary of this response.

“It’s uh… I can’t say.” He insisted.

“But why can’t you say?” She insisted.

“I can’t say! I can’t say! I can’t say!” He repeated. “I! Can’t! Say!”

“Gods d**n it ya’ren’t doin’ yerself any favors!” She said. “Makin’ it really hard ta trust ya here!”

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“I can’t say!” he repeated, nearly shouting. “You aren’t ready! You aren’t worthy, either! Nobody is!” He said, clapping his hands over his ears.

“Except you, right?” She asks. “Crazy. I don’ care what the voices ‘n yer head ‘taught’ ya. Either help us free ourselves, or you go the same way the Nikidians’re goin’.” She says. She yells backwards. “Burn the documents! We’re leavin’ the house tonight!”

However, the people in the building would be able to see her fingers crossed behind her back, unlike the man in front of her.

Lillan turned around.
“You don’t understand. I’m not crazy. There are some things you don’t know.” He folded his arms.
“I’ll help. But no more probing. We all have our secrets, and you are far from ready to hear mine.”

She rolls her eyes. “Whatever.” She tells him. “Do you want to stay in town and help here, or come with our delegation to Gathens?”

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Lillan hesitates.
“I’ll go to Gathens.” He decides after a moment.
He bows.
“Lillan, at your service.”

She nods. “Sarah.”

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Lillan straightens up. His face returned to passive, but he didn’t smile. “Okay.”

She waves him over. “This way. This building’s where we’re meeting at the moment.”

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Lillan followed silently, having nothing to say.

Sarah enters the building. “He’s with us.” She tells them as she grabs a quill and paper. “Now, I’ll write the note t’be passed ‘round, an’ they should all meet us just north o’ the dock just after sunset. After that speech, we’ll have time to get ready t’ship out.”

Lillan stood quietly, still needing to say nothing.

Moenir looks at Blud,
“You’re a pirate?”

Blud waves his hat.
“Only the pirate Blud Beard.”

Moenir stares at Blud for a brief second.
“Huh, interesting. So, why is a pillager helping a cause for freedom?”

Blud smiles, not answering.

Moenir looks at him annoyed,
“Fine, if you-”

“Nay, my reasoning I imagine is really the same as your own. I desire an open port to return to. You can’t return home to Gathens, so you want the ports open as well, and are most likely willing to do anything to do so. I have the alibi that the Nikidians already hate me, thus why I would help this rebellious cause, but you…you had no reason to join this rebellion. I wonder why you did to begin with…”
Blud explains.

Moenir eyes darken,
“Are you challenging my loyalty to this cause?”

Blud grins,
“It was rhetorical, I’m sure Gathens isn’t much of a home to begin with. Your curiosity of what a home is, might be your main reason. To learn what people call homes, by answering this rhetorical question I have to wonder, boy, what loyalty there is to a curious dog?”

Moenir eyes flash in rage,
“You’re right Gathens was never a home. It was a hell, my mother depressed because her husband left, to the seas, and honestly I could never call a man like that my father, no matter his circumstances. Yes, I am curious on what foundation the word “home” means to these people, that it would cause them to start such a rebellion! us’ vatynphaerhoi xo iin’ ku phue iis vatynphaerho aga!

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