Finish the sentence 2

a bird flew in from the Oort cloud and…

Destroyed everything except…

The box of Ramen, which then

In turn destroyed the bird, but…

caused an explosion large enough to…

Sink half of Florida into the sea, after which

Another killer bird teleported to mars and…

Got eaten by a space leech, which…

Traveled back in time to It’s Everyday Bro in order to

destroy everyone in the video by using…

Radioactive intergalactic sludge, which was comprised of…

tofu and evil monopoly cards, which…

Saved me from the sinking Florida so I could…

cover the world with evil money, who…

Destroyed the world so they could colonize…

… Mars, but first…

they had to stop at a taco stand so that they could…

Get tacos with…

Tofu and evil tuna, who…

Wanted to poison the world with tofu so that…