Greatest Bionicle Regret

Hey y’all! Basically, this topic is for saying something you wish you had done or bought while Bionicle was still around. Anything is fair play, as long as it relates to Bionicle.

Personally, for me, one of my regrets was not buying all the Stars while they were out. Sure, they weren’t the best, but they were the last wave of the greatest LEGO line created. How about all y’all?


Not getting Matoro Mahri. Curse you Jaller for luring me in with your bonus Rahi!


Not getting any sets from 2007 (my personal favorite year of Bionicle) while they were still cheap, and in production.


I really regret getting Toa Onewa instead of getting Matau when I was younger. I dunno why I chose him instead of Matau, because at that age, I liked the green Toa. I like Toa of Stone now, of course, but… I am still confused by why I even made that decision.


Matoro Mahri was pretty good. His short Blaster arm was kinda annoying, though… But who am I kidding. Matoro is one of the best characters in Bionicle.


I only had one matoran set, Lesovikk, and Karzahni to get. WHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!

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Giving up on the series post '08.
Some of those sets were pretty awesome.
And it’s not as if Warhammer’s stuff is time-sensitive like Bionicle.

Beyond that, the fact the first few years of the series I had to depend on family for sets and missing out on the Rahi, Bahrag and original Makuta, not to mention everything else.


not getting the rest of the 08 makuta, huki mahri, not getting the rest of the stars(only got tahu) and for not having under 03 (I may be a tad bit young to back then, and at that time my brother collected them)


Not getting any winter 09 sets than raanu, since the books and comics werent that easy to find here at my country, so I thought that all the matoran universe stories had ended and it was a reboot. Gladly when I saw that the summer 09 sets included mata nui as a set I opened my eyes and started returning to the line. And also not getting gelu, ackar, antroz, chirox, visorak boggarak(which I chose instead a system set that was available for 3 more years) and not getting all the 08 matoran.

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Not buying all the Visorak when I saw them on sale at a Marshall’s.


Not understanding the value of my sets when I was younger. I still cringe remembering all the times I threw sets around, broke parts, and lost pieces that I didn’t bother looking for after.

Oh and letting my siblings and/or other children touch my sets. No matter what they always managed to lose one of the pieces.


I only had Gali and the Vezon/Kardas set.


When I was young I had Toa Tahu Mata and I even remember how awesome it was. But since I was little I didn’t have much reasoning but while I was in the car I took him apart so that I could build him again. But alas I lost the pieces and then moving all the time made it so that lost everything of his which makes me sad that I didn’t know how to take care of him. :frowning:


This isn’t something I regret as much as something I wish would have happened differently. I didn’t have much of a chance to get any of the story as it happened other than the comics because I didn’t have a bookstore or ample internet access. I wish I would have been able to follow the “extra” story stuff as it was released instead of reading up after it ended.


I regret not getting all the visorak (I only got the black, red and white one :c )

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Looking back at the comic books, I wish I had entered some of the contests or gone to the toysRus events.

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I had enough money to buy all of the piraka sets and I brought one, and that one was Hakann…
You understand my regret? XD


Spending hundreds of dollars on them.

I know that feel bro!!! My only 2007 set is a matoran Defilak!

I wish i could had bought all the Toa nuva set released in 2008, they were the most ■■■■■■ Toa Nuva´s form i ´ve ever seen!!! :.(


I have Lewa Phantoka, Photok, and Radiak. Those were the only 2008 sets I got. :stuck_out_tongue: