Greatest Bionicle Regret

That’s definitely a regret of mine too. I had all the Ignition Comics from 06-07 and they are long gone. I also had the first 6 Adventures books and I only have 2 of them now.

I didn’t get the Rahkshi Nike shoes.
They were ugly, yes, but man the bragging rights in recess for having BIONICLE shoes? Priceless.

I am collecting kraata now, but I haven’t seen any in the past 10 years of occasionally looking them up.

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Two of my biggest regrets:

  • Trying to build an army of Atakus’s (only ever go to 3) rather than getting more Agori/Glatorian.

  • Not keeping the canisters. This one hurts the most because I remember my mom even telling me I could put my bonks in their canisters for safe keeping. I don’t know if it was just too much of a hassle for me or what but I’m really disappointed that I didn’t keep them. I wouldn’t have to be scouring BrickLink for missing parts (at least not nearly as much).


The canister thing is true for me as well. I don’t particularly care about the canisters, but it would be nice to still have them and look back on them.