Is Ehleks Spezies related too Skakdis?

Ehlek can use Kanohi like a Skakdi, had Spikes on his Back, at least 1 spezial Ability (Electric), Skakdilike Stats, and his Spezies life in Zakaz. But we see in one of the storys, what his Species lifes underwather. So is his Spezies a Subspezies of the Skakdi?

Probably not.
Keep in mind that the only Skakdi capable of actually using mask powers was Vezon, since his status as a unique being afforded him the mental discipline in order to do so (something not currently present in the rest of his species due to previous experimentation), and that Ehlek’s spines and shock powers were a result of his exposure to Pit Mutagen, so the rest of his race doesn’t normally have them.